CIS 200

  1. What is the IT role in a business model?
    • Support business
    • accounting, finance, management, marketing, and operation/service functions

    • žFacilitate company
    • data and information, computing power, technical know-how and disciplines
    • critical to the effective management of information on a large scale

    • žImprove the financial
    • bottom line
  2. Architecture
    • Is the art and science of structuring a knowledge base (technically
    • data and information) based on a supportive infrastructure and applications that deploy business processes and generate managerial
    • and worker knowledge
  3. Infrastructure
    • The number and types of hardware the organization uses, the operating systems that
    • runs on them and the communications networks that allow individuals and
    • computers to talk to each other
  4. Applications
    • The function- or process-specific computer programs the organization uses and also
    • the process by which they are created, maintained and managed
  5. Data
    All the companies data
  6. Disparate Architecture
    • Infrastructure, applications, and data do not easily
    • connect
  7. How Do Information Systems Provide Competitive Advantages?
    Image Upload 2
  8. Business model
    • •A
    • framework for creating economic, social, and/or other forms of value

    • •A
    • framework within which a company uses it resources to produces services and
    • goods
  9. Business process
    • •A
    • collection of related, structured activities or tasks that produce a
    • specific service or product (serve a particular goal) for a particular customer
    • or customers

    • •Make
    • up the business model
  10. Processes
    •Functional: USPS accepts and meters a customer’s package

    • •Cross-functional: USPS accepts and meters a customer’s package and
    • places the package into the distribution system

    • •Interorganizational: USPS accepts and meters a customer’s package, places
    • the package into the distribution system, and transfers to the package to FedEx
    • for overnight logistical transfer
  11. žeXtensible Markup Language
    • •Structure
    • data

    • •Purchase
    • amount, bank name, routing information, and personal bank account information
  12. žSOAP
    • •Protocol
    • for exchanging messages encoded in XML

    • •Translate
    • debit XML message for transmission across the Internet and proprietary banks
  13. žEconomic Recovery
    Package “Smart Electricity Grid”
    • •Interconnected
    • system of smart electricity meters and sensors that increase efficiency,
    • reliability, and encourage green technologies
  14. Smart Grid
    • žAdvanced metering
    • infrastructure: a smart meter that sends a constant stream of data back to
    • utility computers

    • žGreater control,
    • minimize power outages, and identify catastrophic failures
  15. Example
    • žExplorers, Pioneers,
    • Settlers, Followers

    žExplorer –FedEx

    žPioneer – UPS

    • žSettler – DHL
    • &Emory

    žFollower - USPS
  16. Business Process Management (BPM)
    • žthe systematic
    • process of creating, assessing, and altering business processes


    • –Model business
    • process

    –Create components

    –Implement processes

    –Assess results

  17. Functional Processes
    • Processes
    • which involve activities within a single department or function.
  18. Cross-Functional Processes
    • Involve
    • activities among several business departments
  19. Interorganizational Processes
    • Involve
    • activities across organizational boundaries
  20. Object Management Group (OMG):
    • Created
    • a standard set of terms and graphical notations for documenting business
    • processes à Business
    • Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)
  21. Activity
    • A
    • task to be performed
  22. Resources
    • People
    • or equipment that can be assigned to activities
  23. Facilities
    • Collections
    • of resources
  24. Swim-lane Layout
    • Each
    • role is shown in its own horizontal rectangle;
    • draws attention to interactions among resources involved in the process
  25. Database
    • žA collection of data
    • stored in a repository that is managed by a system software called a relational
    • database management system (RDBMS)
  26. The Purpose of a Database
    • žTo organize and keep
    • track of things

    • žSpreadsheets do that
    • too

    • •Keep lists of single
    • concept

    • •Example: Student test
    • scores in a course


    • •Keep lists that
    • involve multiple themes/concepts

    • •Examples: Student
    • grades, grades for all courses in a department, courses offered in all
    • departments, faculty records, and so on
  27. Entities
    • žsomething users want
    • to track

    • •Order, customer,
    • salesperson, item, volunteer, donation
  28. Attributes
    • ždescribe
    • characteristics of an entity

    •OrderNumber, CustomerNumber, VolunteerName, PhoneNumber
  29. Identifier
    • žattribute that
    • uniquely identifies one entity instance from other instances

Card Set
CIS 200
Exam 1 Chapters 1-3