What drug treats pneumococcal
Penicillin G
What drug treats streptococcus pneumonia?
Zithromax (azithromycin); amoxicillin
What drug treats H influenza?
What drug treats Pseudomonas aeruginosa?
What drug treats Mycoplasma pneumonia?
What drug treats Legionella pneumonia?
Erythromycin with rifampicin often added
What is a suitable alternative for a patient allergic to Penicillin?
The S/Sx of pulmonary edema are:
- ·
- wet audible rales on inspiration,
- ·
- cough up pink
- frothy sputum
Pleural effusion
Chest X-ray showing a pocket of consolidation is normally what?
Lung abcess
a drug used to break down clots & increase arterial
blood flow is
Profuse, purulent (thick, yellow, green, or rust-colored) or change in color
Bacterial infection
Thin, mucoid sputum
Viral bronchitis
Gradual increase in sputum
Chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis
Pink-tinged, mucoid sputum
Lung tumor
Profuse, pink, frothy sputum welling up from throat-also audible rales
Pulmonary edema
Foul smelling sputum + halitosis
- Lung abscess, bronchiectasis, or anerobic infection
- (e.g. fusospirochetal or fungal)
Bloody sputum
Pneumonia; TB
Thick morning sputum, black specks –
smoker sputum
Thick yellow to tan sputum with rusty streaks is characteristic
Pneumococcal pneumonia
Interventions for epistaxis
qMonitor airway and breathing
qVital signs
qReduce anxiety
qPatient teaching
- qAvoid nasal trauma, nose picking, and
- forceful nose blowing
qAir humidification
Common signs of influenza in children:
- •Not drinking
- enough fluids
- •Severe or
- persistent vomiting
difficulty waking
Influenza signs in adults
- •Difficulty breathing or
- shortness of breath
- •Pain or pressure in the
- chest or abdomen
•Sudden dizziness
- •Severe or
- persistent vomiting
- •Flu-like symptoms improve
- but then return with fever and worse cough
Manifestations of viral pneumonia in younger adults:
qHighly contagious
qDry, hacking, nonproductive cough
Signs of viral pneumonia in older adults
•Flu-like symptoms
qMuscle aches
S/Sx of hypertensive crisis:
- •HA, N&V, blurred vision, seizures,
- confusion, renal insufficiency, stupor, & coma
- •Severe, abrupt increase in SBP & DBP
- •SBP >140 - 240 mm Hg & DBP >
- 100-120 mm Hg
•AKA Malignant HTN – Life threatening
- •Rate of increase in BP is more important than
- the absolute value
ST elevation = acute myocardial injury
ST depression = myocardial ischemia
Q wave - forms several days after MI = death &
scarring of affected area.