Technological changes, different types of jobs and skills
-workers replaced with machines
-Loss of skilled & semi-skilled jobs to developing countries
Importance of Education:
-Factory jobs used to be the norm
-today w/out college: low paying service & unskilled manual labor jobs (decline in demand)
-Bachelor's degree is the ticket to the better-paying sector
How much education makes a difference in earning power& family income
-college educated people were more likely to stay married & have a 2 parent household
-Growth of higher education was one of the major social developments of 20th century America
Trends in Povery
Poverty Line-a federally defined income limit defined as the cost of an "economy" diet for a family, multiplied by 3
Defining Social Class
Social class-an ordering of all persons in society by degrees of economic resources, prestige, and privilege
Life Chances- the resources and opportunities that people have to provide themselves w/ material goods & favorable living conditions
Status Group- people that share a common lifestyle & identfy w/ each other
-prestige-honor and status in society
-privilege- Advantage or benefits enjoyed
Gender and Family:
-using male only head of household as the norm to put families into a specific social class no longer works
-single parents
-dual earners
-types of jobs worked
-more appropriate to study family unit instead of individual
-65% of married couples w/ children under 18 both work
Social Classes and Status Groups
Ideal type: Hypothetical model of most significant characteristics of social phenomenon in extreme form
Three status groups
-1st group-college degree
-2nd grou-high school and some college
-3rd Group-did not graduate high school
Social Class Differences in Family Life
-Diverging Demographics
-age at marriage
-childbearing outside of marriage
-the marriage market
-differences in early adulthood Age at marriage:
-those with 4 yr college degree more likely to marry after 25
-by late 20's and 30's rate of marriage exceeds that of less educated Assortative marriage:tendancy to marry someone similar to yourself
-in 1930's it was more important to marry someone for religion
-today people marry based off edu background DIVORCE: -risk for divorce for college educated women began dropping in 1980
-risk of divorce highest for women w/out high school diploma