What are the five main types of settlements?
Farm, Hamlet, Village, Town and City
The bigger the settlement the ______ there are?
What are the main areas of a city?
CBD, Inner city, Suburbs, Outskirts/Greenbelt
How do you recognise the inner city on a OS map?
- The buildings are densely packed
- Housing (tenements) is close to the old factories (which on an OS map are Wrks)
- There is little greenery
- There may be waste tips nearby
- Very narrow streets set out in a grid iron square pattern
- Factories are found beside railway lines, railway sidings or canals (they were used to transport raw materials)
How do you recognise Suburbs on an OS map?
- Detatched or semi-detatched housing
- Houses with gardens
- Streets in the shape of cresents, cul-de-sacs, etc
How do you recognise the CBD on an OS map?
- Main roads meeting
- Oldest part of town so many churches
- Most expensive land so little greenery, lots of buildings packed in together
- Tourist information places
- High order services - large sphere of influence
What are some solutions to traffic congestion?
- Motorway bypass
- Park and ride schemes
- The Metro/Underground/Tube
- Bus lanes
- One way streets
What is a dormitory village?
Villages in which most people live there but travel to work in the nearby cities
What is a commuter?
People who live in the counrtyside but travel to work in the cities