quiz 7

  1. What was missionary diplomacy?
    • ·Similar to the Monroe doctrine
    • ·The idea that the Us wants to stay neutral and have no involvement in non US related stuff
    • ·Everyone leave everyone else alone
  2. when and why did the wwI begin
    • ·WWI 1914-1918
    • ·Called The Great War
    • ·Germany wanted European Domination
    • ·Europe was primed for war long before 1914
    • ·Assassination of the Austria Hungarian Empire Emperor
    • ·Franz Ferdinand was killer by terrorist
  3. why was it so costly in terms of lives
    • ·1st mechanized war
    • ·Machine gun
    • ·Tanks
    • ·Poison gas
    • ·Airplanes
    • ·Killed Millions
    • ·60,000 British Troops were killed in the 1st 30 min of the war by charging machine guns
  4. what was the original US policy toward the war
    stay neutral
  5. why did that change
    ·Russia started sinking American ships with their submarines
  6. what ethnic group was discriminated against during the war
  7. how was the economy run during the war
    • ·poorly the government took command of the economy
    • ·dictorial powers over the economy
  8. when did the US enter the war
  9. what was the American expeditionary force
    • American soldiers fought in France
    • Led by John J Pershing
  10. where did American soldiers face their toughest fighting
    the Argonne forest
  11. what were the fourteen points
    • · it was a speech delivered by president Woodrow Wilson to congress on jan 8 1918
    • ·it was intended to assure the country that the great war was being fought for a moral cause and for post war peace in Europe
    • ·first 5 points don’t attack others leave everyone alone
    • ·the league of nations = the world organization to settle disputes
    • ·end of the war Nov 11 1918
  12. what happened at the Paris peace conference
    • Britain and France kept blocking Wilson’s ideas for world peace
    • He starts making compromises with Britain and France
  13. what was wrong with the Versailles Treaty
    • it made the Germans angry and revengeful
    • it was giving away land that isn’t the US’s to give
  14. why didn’t the US join the league of nations
    the Treaty of Versailles was defeated so the US refused to join
  15. what were the palmer raids
    • ·Broke into people’s homes and arrested them with no proof
    • ·People they suspected had radical beliefs
    • ·Union Organizers
    • ·Immigrants
    • ·Used the then small organization called the Bureau of Investigations
    • ·Became the FBI
    • ·Run by J. Edgar Hoover
    • ·Red Scare came to an end after there was no Red Uprising on May 1st
    • ·Unions almost died after the red scare
  16. how did immigration law change in the 1920’s
    • established a quota system
    • cap the amount of people can come in
    • quotas by nationality
  17. why did immigration laws change
    They didn’t not like the new religions coming in
  18. what industry had the biggest impact on American life during the 1920’s
  19. what great change in American was noted by the 1920’s census
    • Showed that more people were living in cities than on farms
    • Rural People thought this was offensive
  20. how did the lives of American women change during the 1920s
    • they got the right to vote
    • suffragettes women who demand to vote
    • women in the work force
    • women were working because they chose to
  21. how did young people change in the 1920s
    • ·dating
    • ·became more educated
    • ·dress as flappers
    • ·war caused young people to become different and want to change
    • ·the lost generation
  22. how did American families change in the 1920’s
    • ·more people lived in the city rather than farms
    • ·women were more equal
    • ·people start to mary for love
    • ·education and universities become popular
    • ·focus on raising children
  23. what did American writers say about America during the 1920’s
    • · F Scott Fitzgerald
    • ·Earnest Hemmingway
    • ·Sinclair Louis
    • ·Criticized that America was all about the money how much money a person made determined the quality of a person
    • ·world wide attention
    • ·became stars
  24. what was the Harlem renaissance
    • ·African Americans cultural and intellectual life
    • ·Within the confines of segregation African Americans flourished
    • ·Also knows as the new Negro movement and black literacy renaissance
    • ·beginning of jazz
  25. what was the impact of radio
    • · virtually everyone had one
    • ·CBS NBC were both radio stations
    • ·brought entertainment to people
    • ·boom for advertisements
    • ·updated info
    • ·news faster
    • ·families spend time together listening
  26. which political party was dominant in the 20’s
  27. who were the presidents of the 1920’s
    • ·Woodrow Wilson
    • ·Warren Harding
    • ·Calvin Coolidge
    • ·Herbert hoover
  28. how active was the federal government in the 1920’s
    • ·not very
    • ·conservatives
    • ·wanted to move back toward laizze faire
  29. how effective was prohibition
    • ·The 1920’s were largely a prosperous time for America
    • What caused the Great Depression
    • ·Stock Market Crash of Oct 29th, 1929 (Black Tuesday)
    • ·Banks loaning money to stock brokers and to citizens who wanted to buy stock (buying on the margin
  30. how was the economy in the 1920’s
  31. when and why did the great depression begin
    • ·The 1920’s were largely a prosperous time for America
    • ·Stock Market Crash of Oct 29th, 1929 (Black Tuesday)
    • ·Banks loaning money to stock brokers and to citizens who wanted to buy stock (buying on the margin)
    • ·Reckless stock investments hurt banks
    • ·Supply and demand factories.
    • ·Factories were making too much
    • ·Stimulate through advertising and credit
    • ·To keep credit high they kept wages low
    • ·Cutting prices to equalize the supply and demand ratio (sales)
    • ·Lay people off which removes consumers from the market
  32. what were its effects of the great depression
  33. what was the new deal
    • ·FDR recovery programs to make the great depression never happen again
    • ·Created social safety net
    • ·Unemployment insurance
    • ·Child labor laws
    • ·Min wage
    • ·Rules for unions
    • ·FDR had federal govt regulate private sector
    • ·Try anything approach in the first 100 days
    • ·Create more jobs to lower unemployment numbers
    • ·Tried to limit competition with businesses
    • agriculture adjustment act keep farmers on farms
  34. 34. what permanent changes came from the new deal
  35. when and why did the new deal end
    it was declared un constitutional
  36. why was here a second world war
    • ·muslilini took over Italy by force
    • ·became dictator of Italy
    • ·promised to rebuild roman empire
    • ·1933 hitler became chancellor of Germany
    • ·shortly after the main building burnt down
    • ·Hitler requested emergency powers to fight against people who burnt down buildings
    • ·He breaks the Versailles treaty and builds a German army
    • ·1935 US declared to be neutral
    • ·Hitler takes over Austria
    • ·Hitler demands Czechoslovakia
    • ·Hitler tries to take over Poland
    • ·Started when Germany invaded Poland
    • ·1939
    • ·Germany wanted to control Poland. Hitler wanted to make a bigger Germany
    • ·WWII is declared
  37. who were the axis powers
    • ·Germany
    • Japan
    • ·Italy
  38. who were the allies
    • ·British Empire
    • ·US
    • ·Soviets
    • ·China
  39. when did the war in Europe begin
  40. how was the US involved before Dec 7 1941
    • 1941 The US was officially neutral in WWII.
    • However, they increasingly aided the British
  41. why did the US declare war on Japan
    • ·Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor
    • ·FDR asked congress to declare war on Japan
    • ·Hitler then declared war on the US
  42. 42. how did the war in Europe proceed
  43. 43. how did the war in the pacific proceed
  44. 44. what were the turning points of each campaign
  45. 45. when did the war end
  46. 46. how did the war end
  47. 47. what new international conflict begin as soon as the war ended
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quiz 7
History Professor Leslie Douglas