What stage/development did erikson say was taking place during adolescence?
development: psychosocial
Stage: identity vs role confusion
What type of development/stage did freud say was taking place during adolescence?
development: psychosocial
Stage: genital
What type of development/stage did piaget say was going on in adolescence?
development: cognitive
stage: formal operational
What ages does adolescence cover?
12-20 yrs
physical development in adolescence
Acne may appear
Females reach 95% of their adult height by age 13.Hips widen throughout these years
Males reach 95% of their adult height by age 15. Shoulders widen throughout these years
Sleep habits change with puberty due to increased to increased metabolism, these children tend to stay up late and go to bed early.
In what order does sexual maturation occur in males?
Increase in size of the testes
Appearance of pubic hair
Rapid growht of genitalia
Growth of axillary hair
Appearance of downy hair on upper lip
Change in voice
Cognitive development in adolescence
Thea adolescent is capable of thinking at adult level
Abstract thought is possible, and adolesecents can deal with principles
The adolescen can evaluate the quality of his/her own thining
Attention span becomes longer
Language: adolescents develop jargon within peer group. Can communicate one way with peers and another with adults.
Psychosocial development
The adolescent develops a sense of personal identity that is influenced by expectations of the family
Group identity: the adolescent may bcome part of a peer-group that greatly influences his/her behaviors
Vocationally - work habits begin to solidify
Sexually - There is increased interest in the opposite sex
Health perceptions - adolescents may view themselves as invincible to bad outcomes of risky behaviors
Moral development in adolescence
Conventional law and order - rules are not seen as absolutes. Each situation neds to be looked at, and perhpas teh rules will need to bea adjusted. NOt all adolescents attain this level of moral development during these years
Self-concept development in adolescence
conventional law and order - rules are not seen as absolutes. Each situation needs to be looked at, and perhaps the rules will need to be adjusted
Not all adolescents attain this level of oral development during these years
Self-concept development in adolescence
A healthy self-concept is develped by hving helahty relationships with peers, family, and teachers. Identifying a skill or talent helps maintain a healthy self-concept. Participation in sports, hobbies, or the community can have a positive outcome.
Body-image changes in adolescence
Adeolescents eem particularly concerned with the lean bodies protrayed by the media. Changes that occur during puberty result in a great deal of comparisons among adolescents in the surrounding peer group.
Parents also give their input as to hair styles, dressm, and activity. Adolescents may require help if depression or eating disorders result due to poor body image
Age-appropriate activities for Spotadolescence
Nonviolent video games
Nonviolent music
Caring for pet
Career-training programs
Social events (ex: goignto the movies, school dances)
Nutrition for adolescents
Rapid growth and high metabolism require increases in quality nutrients
What is the second leading caue of death among adolescents?
Homicides, most prevalent among male adolescent acquaintances with a firearm
violent media may influence this type of behavior
What is the 3rd leading cause of death among adolecents?
Sexual experimentation among adolescents
Occurs in approx 50% of adolescents.
Abstinence is highly recommended. If sexual activity os occuring, the use of birth control is recommended
Immunizations fr healthy adolescents 12 to 20 years
If not given at age 11-12: Tdap
Hep B
What aspectsof adolescent development increase the likelihood of accidents
peer influences to abuse substances
An increase in riksy behaviors because the adolescent vews himself as invincible
Inexperienced drivers
A motnehr of a 16 year old adolescent reports tha t her son seems to require a lot of sleep. Is this a concern? explain
Adolescents require more sleep due to increased metabolism and rapid growth.Sleep patterns may change with the adolescent staying up late and then sleeping later in the morning
What type of development/stage did Erikson say is going on in young adulthood?
Development: psychosocial
Stage: Intimacy vs. Isolation
What type of development/stage did Freud say is goign on in young adulthood
Development: psycosocial
Stage: Genital
What type of development/stage did Piaget say is going on in young adult hood?
Development: cognitive
Stage: formal operational
What age group does young adulthood cover?
20-40 years
Physical development during young adulthood
Growth hs concluded around age 20
physical senses peak
Cardiac output and efficiency peaks
Optimal muscle function occurs at ages 25-30
Metabolic rate decreases 2-4% every decade after age 20
Sex drive is high for men
Sex drive for women peaks during the later part of this stage
Optimal time for childbearing
pregnancy related changes
Pregnancy related changes
Breast enlargement and tenderness
Morning sickness and fatigue
Pigmentation changes
Abdominal distension
Uinary frequency
Changes in sex drive
Cognitive development in young adulthood
Critical thinking skills improve
Memory peaksin the 20s
There is a greater ability for creative thought
behaviors associated with young adulthood include
leaving home
taking on more adult commitments and responsibilities
going from being single to establishing a new family
Developing parenting skills
Making occupational choices characterized by high goals and experimentation
moral development in young adulthood
The young adult may personalize values and beliefs
Reasoning may be baed on ethical fairness principles such as the principle of justice.
Self-concept Development in young adulthood, formation of it is influenced by:
Avoidance of substance abuse
Late formation of a family
Frequent interactions with family and friends
Choosing to behave in an ethical manner
Body-image changes in young adulthood
Greatly influenced by diet and exercise
Pregnancy related changes:
mother may feel more feminine in the early stages
Mother may feel huge and unappealing in the last trimester
Mother may experience increased well-being with quickening
How many colories should an active young adult male consume daily?
How many calories should a sedentary female consume daily?
How many calories should a sedentary male or active female consume daily?
By how many calories should a pregnant young adult woman increase her intake?
about 300 kcal for a total of 2100 to 2400 kcal
Health risks for young adults
Substance abuse
Periodontal disease due to poor oral hygiene
Unplanned pregnancies (high source of stress)
Work-related injuries or exposures
What immunizations should healthy young adults ages 20-40 get?
Tdap every 10 years
1 dose of MMR or 2 if college student, health care worker or planning international travel
2 doses of varicella if no evidence of immunity
females 26 yrs or younger not previously vaccinated should get 3 doses of HPV vaccine
List several developmental tasks that can assist a yojng adult to develop a positive self-concept
Satisfying career choice
Late formation of family
Frequent interactions with family and friends
What major life event may grweaty alter the body image of a young adult female? explain
Pregnancy. This event causes significant physical changes in the female including:
Breast enlargement and tenderness
Morning sickness and fatigue
Pigmentation changes
Abdominal distension
List several reasons that suggest the young adult years are a good time for childbearing
Personal physical growth has concluded
Physically, the body is at its peak
Sex drive is high
Which of the following behaviors by a young adult demonstrates appropriate psychosocial development?
B. Devloting a lot of time to establishing an occupation