Solid masses:
hemangioma, FNH, adenoma, HCC, mets, regenerating nodules, focal fatty deposition, lymphoma
Cystic masses: infectious �
pyogenic abscess, amebiasis, Echinococcus;
Cystic masses: benign �
simple cysts, ADPKD, biliary cystadenoma, biloma, intrahepatic GB;
Cystic masses: malignant �
necrotic tumors, cystic mets, cholangioCA
Increased density:
hemochromatosis, glycogen storage disease, Wilson�s, amiodarone, chemotherapy, thorotrast, anemia, regenerative nodules in cirrhosis (low T2)
Decreased density:
fatty liver � obesity, alcohol, DM, steroids, chemotherapy; radiation-induced
Mottled density without focal mass:
passive congestion, Budd-Chiari, geographic fatty infiltration, hepatoma, lymphoma
hemangioma, hemangioendothelioma, cholangioCA, HCC, mets (islet cell, melanoma, carcinoid, RCC, thyroid, breast, sarcoma)
Hyperechoic: round �
hemangioma, hyperechoic mets (hypervascular and calcified mets), HCC, fibrolamellar HCC, focal fat, lipoma, AML, Gaucher�s;
Hyperechoic: linear �
pneumobilia, PV gas, biliary ascariasis;
Hyperechoic: multiple punctate foci �
granulomatous infection, PCP, biliary hamartomas, pneumobilia, PV gas, vascular calcs
Multiple hypoechoic: tumor �
mets, lymphoma, HCC;
Multiple hypoechoic: infection �
pyogenic, amebic, Echinococcus, Candida, Schistosomiasis;
Multiple hypoechoic: other �
regenerative nodules in cirrhosis, sarcoid, extramedullary hematopoiesis, hematomas, hemangiomas
Hepatic hemorrhage:
iatrogenic, trauma, adenoma, HCC, pregnancy
Gas in liver:
Pneumobilia, pv air, abscess, emphasematous cholecystitis
pneumobilia cause�
ERCP, surgery, penetrating ulcer, gallstone ileus, CA, bowel obstruction;
PV air cause �
bowel necrosis > IBD, abscess, obstruction, ulcer, NEC, iatrogenic, liver transplant;
Delayed retention of contrast:
cholangioCA, hemangioma, fibrous tumor, scar (FNH, adenoma, fibrolamellar HCC, hemangioma)