Primary characteristics of Bovine Pelvis (3):
- Parallel iliac shaft
- Trifid tuber ischiadicum
- Concave pelvic (dish/hollowed out)
Primary characteristics of Ovine Pelvis (3)
- Slender iliac shafts
- Straight iliac crest
- Pronounced and laterally oriented tuber ischiadicum
Pelvis of the cow (7): *
- Narrow pelvic Inlet
- Roof is concave
- High Pelvic Inlet
- Dished Pelvic Floor
- Bony Projections
- Small Pelvic Outlet
- Table of ischium slopes sharply, craniodorsally
Pelvic floor of...
- Cow: Dished
- Mare: Flat/straight
- Ewe/Nanny= Flat, Horizontal
Ewe/Nanny Pelvis
Flat, horizontal, pelvic floor
Sow pelvis
- Birth Canal is straight
- Large Pelvic Inlet
- (Vaginal manipulation difficult)
The Anal Canal is comprised of:
- Coccygeus
- Levator Ani- Internal & External Deep Fascia
- External Anal Sphincter
What does the Perineum join? What does is separate?
- Joins: Tubera Ischiadica
- Separates: Anal Reg/Triangle & Urogenital Reg/Triangle
Urogenital MM (3):
- Constrictor Vestibuli
- Constrictor Vulvae
- Retractor Clitoris
Two parts of the Retractor Penis M:
What mm is invested in the root of the penis and is used to sex a dressed carcass
What gluteal mm are fused in the bovine? Which is missing?
- Superficial Gluteal & Biceps Femoris m (Gluteobiceps)
- No Internal Obturator m
Defining features of the bovine rump (3):
- Concave
- Poorly muscled
- Only the gluteobicep m has vertebral head
What stuctures impede urinary catheterization in the bull?
- Sigmoid Flexure
- Urethral Process w/ Bulbourethral Gland @ Cr portion
The Uretha in M Ruminants VS F Ruminants
- M Ruminants: Urethral Recess
- F Ruminants: Suburethralral Diverticulum
Ruminant Scrotrum: location and general appearance
- Location- Btw the thighs
- Appearance- vertically elongated and pendulous
Which Species have a Glabrous Scrotum?
Which Species have a hairy Scrotum?
Small Ruminants
Appearance of Bovine Testis:
- Vertically elongated
- Oval/bottle shaped
Appearance of the Ovine Testis:
- Large
- Oval/Sperical
- Long Vertical Axis
Color of Testicular Parenchyma in Bovines? Ovines?
- Bovines: Yellow
- Ovines: White
Location of the bovine & Ovine epididymis parts (Capital and Cauda):
- Capital= Proximal
- Caudate= Distal
In bovines, where does the epididymis lie, relative to the testis:
Which Sex Glands do Bulls have?
- Ampulla of Ductus Deferens
- Vesicular Gland
- Body of Prostate
- Par Disseminata or Prostate
- Bulbourethral Gland
What covers the Dorsal 1/3 of the proximal end of the bovine testis?
caput epididymis
Which Sex Glands do Small Rum's have?
- Ductus Deferens
- Vesicular Glad
- Disseminate Part of Prostate Gland
- Bulbourethral Gland
- (Lack Body of DD)
Which Sex Glands do Boars have?
- Body of Prostate
- Pars Disseminata of Prostate
- Vesicular Gland (XXL)
- (Lacks Ampulla of DD)
The ruminant penis is of what type?
Why do bulls take hteir time urinating?
Narrow urethral process that attaches to gland
Appearance of bull's glans penis
twisted anticlockwise, to the R
Appearance of the bull's penis
long, with circular cross sections
What impedes expansion of the cavernous tissues in both corpora in the bovine?
Fused tunics covering both cavernous tissues
Origin and insertion of Apical Ligament
Tunica Albuginea -> Free end of Penis
On which side is the Apical Lig thicker?
What differences are seen in the ovine penis?
- Glans penis raised into globular and highly cavernous structure
- Free Urethral Process projects beyond the glans
Where do calculi lodge in the ovine penis?
- Sigmoid Flexure
- Urethral Process
What differentiates the ram penis from the of the goat
tuberbulum cpongiosum
Within the ruminant penis, escess elastic fibers are located where?
Corpus Cavernosum
Appearance of the Urethral Process in...
- Bull: Tubular & Narrow
- Boar: Free & Projects beyond glans
What differences are seen in the boar's penis>
- Globular
- Highly Cavernous
- Free Urethral Process that extends beyond the glans
Two portions of the ruminant prepuce
- External Lamina (hairy)
- Internal Lamina (hairless)
The prepuce invaginates at the ___ to form the internal lamina in the ruminant penis
Preputial Orifice
Appearance of the Bull's prepuce
- Long
- +/- Exuberant Internal Lamina
Clinical Significance of the Bull's Prepuce
- Prolapse (w/ +internal lamina)
- Lacerated and retained outside