Class 1

  1. What is school-age care?
    School age care is care of children 6 - 12.
  2. Where do school age children go?
    • Recreation programs
    • Home child care
    • Sibling care/self care
    • Licensed school-age care.
  3. What is recreation programs?
    Recreation programs allows for part-time participation, it is cheaper than licensed care, located in the community, often focus on skill development.
  4. what is home child care?
    • - Non-institutional environment: home like and relaxed
    • - Cheaper
    • - Flexibility for hours of care providedChildren to be more independent in decision making
  5. What is Sibling care, or self care?
    • - Children are often referred as Latchkey Kids.
    • - Family don’t have access to other types of care, or
    • - Parents feel that the children involved are mature enough to be trusted with this type of care arrangement
  6. what is Licensed schoo-age care?
    • - A variety of activities available for both individual and group participation
    • - Program meets the minimum standard for health, safety and adult/child ratio etc.
    • - Before and after school care can be provided
Card Set
Class 1
class 1 powerpoint