Who needs
Who needs only to wash his feet? / A person who has had a bath / John 13:10
Who neither condemns
Who neither condemns the woman caught in adultery? / Jesus / John 8:11
Who neither sees
Who neither sees the Spirit of truth or knows him? / The world / John 14:17
Who never
Who never performed a miraculous sign? / John / John 10:41
Who no longer believe
Who no longer believe just because of what the woman said? / Many more of the Samaritans who became believers / John 4:42
Who no longer calls
Who no longer calls his disciples servants? / Jesus / John 15:15
Who no longer moved
Who no longer moved about publicly among the Jews? / Jesus / John 11:54
Who not
Who not only was breaking the Sabbath, but was even calling God his own Father? / Jesus / John 5:18
Who noticed
Who noticed how quickly Mary got up and went out? / The Jews who had been with Mary in the house comforting her / John 11:31
Who now claim
Who now claim they can see? / Some Pharisees / John 9:41
Who now have
Who now have no excuse for their sin? / The world / John 15:22
Who now lay
Who now lay sick? / Lazarus / John 11:2
Who now showed
Who now showed his own who were in the world the full extent of his love? / Jesus / John 13:1
Who now stands
Who now stands condemned? / The prince of this world / John 16:11
Who objected
Who objected when Mary poured an expensive perfume on Jesus' feet and wiped his feet with her hair? / Judas Iscariot / John 12:3-4
Who objected, "But
Who objected, "But we have no right to execute anyone"? / The Jews / John 18:31
Who objected, "Why
Who objected, "Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year's wages"? / Judas Iscariot / John 12:4-5
Who only
Who only said, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?" / Jesus / John 21:23
Who opened the blind
Who opened the blind man's eyes? / Jesus / John 9:17
Who opened the man's
Who opened the man's eyes? /Jesus/ John 9:14
Who opens
Who opens the gate for the shepherd of his sheep? / The watchman / John 10:3
Who opposes
Who opposes Caesar? / Anyone who claims to be a king / John 19:12
Who outran
Who outran Peter and reached the tomb first? / The other disciple / John 20:4
Who overturned
Who overturned the money changers' tables? / Jesus / John 2:15
Who passes
Who passes judgment on no one? / Jesus / John 8:15
Who performed
Who performed the first of his miraculous signs at Cana in Galilee? / Jesus / John 2:11
Who persecuted
Who persecuted Jesus because he was doing these things on the Sabbath? / The Jews/ John 5:16
Who picked up his
Who picked up his mat and walked? / The man who was cured (who had been an invalid) / John 5:9
Who picked up stones
Who picked up stones to stone Jesus? / The Jews / John 8:59
Who pierced
Who pierced Jesus' side with a spear? / The soldiers / John 19:34
Who plotted
Who plotted to take Jesus' life from that day on? / The Sanhedrin / John 11:53
Who poured about
Who poured about a pint of pure nard on Jesus' feet and wiped his feet with her hair? / Mary / John 12:3
Who poured perfume on Jesus'
Who poured perfume on Jesus' feet? / Mary / John 12:3
Who poured perfume on the
Who poured perfume on the Lord and wiped his feet with her hair? / Mary / John 11:2
Who poured pure
Who poured pure nard on Jesus' feet and wiped his feet with her hair? / Mary / John 12:3
Who poured water
Who poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet? / Jesus / John 13:5
Who prays
Who prays also for those who will believe in him through their message? / Jesus / John 17:20
Who prophesied
Who prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation? / Caiaphas / John 11:51
Who protected
Who protected those the Father has given Jesus and kept them safe by that name the Father gave him? / Jesus / John 17:12
Who protested
Who protested to Pilate, "Do not write 'The King of the Jews', but that this man claimed to be king of the Jews"? / The chief priests of the Jews / John 19:21
Who protested,
Who protested, "We are not illegitimate children"? / Abraham's descendents / John 8:41
Who prunes
Who prunes every branch that does bear fruit? / Jesus' Father / John 15:2
Who put a
Who put a crown of thorns on Jesus' head? / The soldiers / John 19:2
Who put mud
Who put mud on the man's eyes? / Jesus / John 9:6
Who put on
Who put on his clothes and returned to his place? / Jesus / John 13:12
Who put their faith in Jesus
Who put their faith in Jesus even as he spoke? / Many / John 8:30
Who questioned Jesus
Who questioned Jesus about his disciples and his teaching? / The high priest / John 18:19
Who questioned John,
Who questioned John, "Why then do you baptize if you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?" / Some Pharisees who had been sent / John 1:24-25
Who quickly
Who quickly got up and went out? / Mary / John 11:31
Who raised
Who raised Lazarus from the dead? / Jesus / John 12:17