John Who Page20.txt

  1. Who loved Martha
    Who loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus? / Jesus / John 11:5
  2. Who loved praise
    Who loved praise from men more than praise from God? / Many even among the leaders / John 12:43
  3. Who loves Jesus'
    Who loves Jesus' disciples because they have loved Jesus and have believed that he came from God? / the Father himself / John 16:27
  4. Who loves the disciples
    Who loves the disciples because they have loved Jesus and have believed that he came from God? / the Father himself / John 16:27
  5. Who loves the Son and has
    Who loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands? / the Father / John 3:35
  6. Who loves the Son and shows
    Who loves the Son and shows him all he does? / The Father / John 5:20
  7. Who loves you
    Who loves you because you have loved Jesus and have believed that he came from God? / the Father himself / John 16:27
  8. Who made a whip
    Who made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple area, both sheep / Jesus / John 2:15
  9. Who made a woman
    Who made a woman caught in adultery stand before the group? / The teachers of the law and the Pharisees / John 8:3
  10. Who made his
    Who made his dwelling among us? / The Word / John 1:14
  11. Who made plans
    Who made plans to kill Lazarus as well? / The chief priests / John 12:10
  12. Who made some mud with
    Who made some mud with the saliva and put it on the man's eyes? / The man they call Jesus / John 9:6
  13. Who made their
    Who made their way toward Jesus? / The people / John 4:30
  14. Who make
    Who make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God? / The Jews / John 5:44
  15. Who may ask
    Who may ask Jesus for anything in his name, and Jesus will do it? / Jesus' disciples / John 14:14
  16. Who may be brought
    Who may be brought to complete unity? / Those who will believe in Jesus through their message / John 17:23
  17. Who may be glad
    Who may be glad together? / The sower and the reaper / John 4:36
  18. Who may be glorified
    Who may be glorified through this sickness? / God's Son / John 11:4
  19. Who may be in
    Who may be in the world? / Jesus / John 17:26
  20. Who may be one
    Who may be one as Jesus and the Father are one? / Those the Father has given Jesus / John 17:11
  21. Who may become
    Who may become sons of light? / The crowd / John 12:36
  22. Who may believe
    Who may believe that the Father has sent Jesus? / The world / John 17:21
  23. Who may bring
    Who may bring glory to the Father? / the Son / John 14:13
  24. Who may eat
    Who may eat the bread that comes down from heaven and not die? / A man / John 6:50
  25. Who may have eternal
    Who may have eternal life? / Everyone who believes in him / John 3:15
  26. Who may have peace
    Who may have peace in Jesus? / Jesus' disciples / John 16:33
  27. Who may have the
    Who may have the full measure of Jesus' joy within them? / Those the Father has given Jesus / John 17:13
  28. Who may honor
    Who may honor the Son just as they honor the Father? /All/ John 5:23
  29. Who may know
    Who may know and understand that the Father is in Jesus, and he in the Father? / The Jews / John 10:38
  30. Who meant
    Who meant Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot? / Jesus / John 6:71
  31. Who meanwhile
    Who meanwhile found out that Jesus was there? / A large crowd of Jews / John 12:9
  32. Who mentions
    Who mentions human testimony that the Jews may be saved? / Jesus / John 5:34
  33. Who met a
    Who met a certain royal official with the news that his boy was living? / A certain royal official's servants / John 4:51
  34. Who met the man
    Who met the man with the news that his boy was living? / his servants / John 4:51
  35. Who met the royal
    Who met the royal official with the news that his boy was living? / His servants / John 4:51
  36. Who might be
    Who might be revealed to Israel? / The Lamb of God (Jesus) / John 1:31
  37. Who might give
    Who might give eternal life to all those the Father has given him? / His Son [OR Jesus] / John 17:2
  38. Who motioned
    Who motioned to the disciple whom Jesus loved and said, "Ask him which one he means"? / Simon Peter / John 13:24
  39. Who must also
    Who must also bring other sheep that are not of this sheep pen? / Jesus / John 10:16
  40. Who must be lifted up
    Who must be lifted up just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert? / The Son of Man / John 3:14
  41. Who must become greater?
    Who must become greater? / Jesus / John 3:30
  42. Who must become less?
    Who must become less? / John / John 3:30
  43. Who must die
    Who must die according to a law the Jews have? / Jesus / John 19:7
  44. Who must learn that Jesus loves
    Who must learn that Jesus loves the Father and that he does exactly what his Father has commanded him? / The world / John 14:31
  45. Who must love
    Who must love one another as Jesus has loved them? / Jesus' disciples / John 13:34
  46. Who must worship
    Who must worship in spirit and in truth? / His worshipers / John 4:24
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John Who Page20.txt
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