John Who Page19.txt
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Who knows that even
Who knows that even now God will give Jesus whatever he asks? / Martha / John 11:22
Who knows that he
Who knows that he tells the truth? / The man who saw the flow of blood and water / John 19:35
Who knows that Messiah
Who knows that Messiah is coming? / The Samaritan woman / John 4:25
Who knows that Peter
Who knows that Peter loves him? / The Lord [OR Jesus] / John 21:17
Who knows that Simon
Who knows that Simon Peter loves him? / Jesus / John 21:15
Who knows that the Father's
Who knows that the Father's command leads to eternal life? / Jesus / John 12:50
Who knows that the Jews
Who knows that the Jews do not have the love of God in their hearts? / Jesus / John 5:42
Who knows the Father?
Who knows the Father? /Jesus / John 10:15
Who knows the Jews are
Who knows the Jews are Abraham's descendants? /Jesus / John 8:37
Who knows the Jews who
Who knows the Jews who had believed Jesus are Abraham's descendants? / Jesus / John 8:37
Who knows the Jews?
Who knows the Jews? / Jesus / John 5:42
Who knows the Righteous
Who knows the Righteous Father? / Jesus / John 17:25
Who knows those
Who knows those he has chosen? / Jesus / John 13:18
Who knows where he came
Who knows where he came from and where he is going? / Jesus / John 8:14
Who knows where he is
Who knows where he is going? / Jesus/ John 8:14
Who laid a hand on Jesus?
Who laid a hand on Jesus? / No one / John 7:30
Who laid Jesus
Who laid Jesus in a new tomb? / Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus / John 19:42
Who landed?
Who landed? / The other disciples / John 21:9
Who lay
Who lay sick at Capernaum? / A certain royal official's son / John 4:46
Who lays down his life only
Who lays down his life - only to take it up again? / Jesus / John 10:17
Who lays down his life for
Who lays down his life for the sheep? / The good shepherd / John 10:11
Who lays his
Who lays his life down of his own accord? / Jesus / John 10:18
Who leads
Who leads his own sheep out? / The shepherd of his sheep / John 10:3
Who leaned
Who leaned back against Jesus? / The disciple whom Jesus loved / John 13:25
Who learned
Who learned that an invalid had been in this condition for a long time? / Jesus / John 5:6
Who leaves
Who leaves peace with his disciples? / Jesus / John 14:27
Who led
Who led Jesus from Caiaphas to the palace of the Roman governor? / The Jews / John 18:28
Who left and
Who left and hid himself from the crowd? / Jesus / John 12:36
Who left for
Who left for Galilee after the two days? / Jesus / John 4:43
Who left her
Who left her water jar? / The Samaritan woman / John 4:28
Who left Judea
Who left Judea and went back once more to Galilee when he learned of this? / The Lord [OR Jesus] / John 4:3
Who left with
Who left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley? / Jesus / John 18:1
Who lifted
Who lifted up the snake in the desert? / Moses / John 3:14
Who like
Who like Andrew and Peter, was from the town of Bethsaida? / Philip / John 1:44
Who listen
Who listen to Jesus' voice? / Jesus'�sheep / John 10:27
Who listens for
Who listens for the bridegroom? / The friend who attends the bridegroom / John 3:29
Who listens to Jesus?
Who listens to Jesus? / Everone on the side of truth / John 18:37
Who listens to the
Who listens to the godly man who does his will? / God / John 9:31
Who live
Who live scattered among the Greeks? / Our (the Jews') people / John 7:35
Who lives because
Who lives because of the Father? / Jesus / John 6:57
Who lives with
Who lives with Jesus' disciples and will be in them? / The Spirit of truth / John 14:17
Who looked at
Who looked at Simon and said, "You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas"? / Jesus / John 1:42
Who looked in
Who looked in at the strips of linen lying there but did not go in? / The other disciple / John 20:5
Who looked toward
Who looked toward heaven and prayed? / Jesus / John 17:1
Who looked up and said,
Who looked up and said, "Father, I thank you that you have heard me"? / Jesus / John 11:41
Who looked up and saw
Who looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him? / Jesus / John 6:5
Who loved darkness
Who loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil? / Men / John 3:19
Who loved Jesus
Who loved Jesus before the creation of the world? / The Father / John 17:24
Who loved Lazarus?
Who loved Lazarus? / Jesus / John 11:5
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John Who Page19.txt
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