John Who Page17.txt

  1. Who is sent
    Who is sent ahead of the Christ? / John / John 3:28
  2. Who is speaking clearly
    Who is speaking clearly and without figures of speech? / Jesus/ John 16:29
  3. Who is speaking publicly?
    Who is speaking publicly? / Jesus / John 7:26
  4. Who is speaking without
    Who is speaking without figures of speech? / Jesus / John 16:29
  5. Who is spirit?
    Who is spirit? / God / John 4:24
  6. Who is surely
    Who is surely the Prophet? / This man / John 7:40
  7. Who is telling his
    Who is telling his disciples now before it happens? / Jesus / John 13:19
  8. Who is telling the disciples
    Who is telling the disciples now before it happens? / Jesus / John 13:19
  9. Who is telling the Jews what
    Who is telling the Jews what he has seen in the Father's presence? / Jesus / John 8:38
  10. Who is telling the Jews who
    Who is telling the Jews who had believed Jesus what he has seen in the Father's presence? / Jesus / John 8:38
  11. Who is telling you
    Who is telling you what he has seen in the Father's presence? / Jesus / John 8:38
  12. Who is the bread of God?
    Who is the bread of God? / He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world / John 6:33
  13. Who is the bread of life?
    Who is the bread of life? / Jesus / John 6:35
  14. Who is the bread that
    Who is the bread that came down from heaven? / Jesus / John 6:41
  15. Who is the Christ, the Son of God,
    Who is the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world? / Jesus / John 11:27
  16. Who is the Christ, the Son of God?
    Who is the Christ, the Son of God? / Jesus / John 20:31
  17. Who is the disciple
    Who is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down? / This disciple / John 21:24
  18. Who is the father
    Who is the father of lies? / The devil / John 8:44
  19. Who is the gardener?
    Who is the gardener? / Jesus' Father / John 15:1
  20. Who is the gate
    Who is the gate for the sheep? / Jesus / John 10:7
  21. Who is the gate?
    Who is the gate? / Jesus / John 10:9
  22. Who is the good
    Who is the good shepherd? / Jesus / John 10:11
  23. Who is the Holy
    Who is the Holy One of God? / Jesus / John 6:69
  24. Who is the Jews'
    Who is the Jews' accuser? / Moses / John 5:45
  25. Who is the judge?
    Who is the judge? / one who seeks glory / John 8:50
  26. Who is the King of Israel?
    Who is the King of Israel? / Jesus / John 1:49
  27. Who is the King of the
    Who is the King of the Jews? / Jesus of Nazareth / John 19:19
  28. Who is the light of the world
    Who is the light of the world while he is in the world? / Jesus / John 9:5
  29. Who is the light of the world?
    Who is the light of the world? / Jesus / John 8:12
  30. Who is the living
    Who is the living bread that came down from heaven? / Jesus / John 6:51
  31. Who is the one he
    Who is the one he claims to be? / Jesus / John 8:28
  32. Who is the one John meant
    Who is the one John meant when he said, "A man who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me"? / The Lamb of God (Jesus) / John 1:30
  33. Who is the one John testified
    Who is the one John testified about? / that man who was with John on the other side of the Jordan / John 3:26
  34. Who is the one speaking
    Who is the one speaking with the man born blind? / The Son of Man / John 9:37
  35. Who is the one who came
    Who is the one who came from heaven? / the Son of Man / John 3:13
  36. Who is the one who glorifies
    Who is the one who glorifies Jesus? / Jesus' Father / John 8:54
  37. Who is the one who loves
    Who is the one who loves Jesus? / Whoever has his commands and obeys them / John 14:21
  38. Who is the only Father
    Who is the only Father the Jews have? / God himself / John 8:41
  39. Who is the only true
    Who is the only true God? / The Father / John 17:3
  40. Who is the Prophet
    Who is the Prophet who is to come into the world? / Jesus / John 6:14
  41. Who is the resurrection
    Who is the resurrection and the life? / Jesus / John 11:25
  42. Who is the shepherd
    Who is the shepherd of his sheep? / The man who enters by the gate / John 10:2
  43. Who is the Son of God?
    Who is the Son of God? / Jesus / John 1:49
  44. Who is the Son of God?
    Who is the Son of God? / Jesus / John 20:31
  45. Who is the son of Joseph?
    Who is the son of Joseph? / Jesus / John 1:45
  46. Who is the Spirit
    Who is the Spirit of truth? / Another Counselor who will be with us forever / John 15:26
  47. Who is the true
    Who is the true vine? / Jesus / John 15:1
  48. Who is the vine?
    Who is the vine? / Jesus / John 15:5
  49. Who is the voice
    Who is the voice of one calling in the desert, "Make straight the way for the Lord."? / John / John 1:23
  50. Who is the way
    Who is the way and the truth and the life? / Jesus / John 14:6
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John Who Page17.txt
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