
  1. BGG
    California Board fro Geologists and Geophysicists
  2. Cal/OSHA
    Calif Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  3. CCR
    California Code of Regulations
  4. CEG
    Certified Engineering Geologist
    "Comprehensive Environmental Repsonse, Compensation and Liability Act"; covers "Superfund" sites
  6. CFR
    Code of Federal Regulations
  7. CGS
    California Geological Survey
  8. Competent Person
    According to Cal/OSHA, a person capable of identifying exisiting and predictable hazards which are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them
  9. Excavation
    Any man-made cut, cavity, trench, or depression in an earth surface, formed by earth removal
  10. Geotechnical Specialist
    a CEG/RCE rained in soil mechanics or an engineering geologist or civil engineer with a min of 3 years applicable experience working under the direct supervision of either a CEG or RCE
  11. IBC
    International Building Code. New in 2000, it integrates the Uniform Building Code, the Southern Building Code, and the Building Officials and Code Administrators Code
  12. Lagging
    Boards which are joined, side-by-side, lining an excavation
  13. NPDES
    National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. EPA regulates storm water discharges at industrial and construction sites
  14. RCE
    Registered Civil Engineer
  15. RCRA
    Resources Conservation and Recovery Act; law that regulates exisiting hazardous waste facilities
  16. RG
    Registered Geologist
  17. Scour
    The powerful and concentrated digging action of flowing water during a flood, removing mud and silt
  18. Spiling
    Dowels or pins drilled or driven into the earth around a shaft to provide support
  19. TEGD
    Technical Enforcement Guidance Document
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ASBOG Study Guide Chapter 10 - Laws, Regulations and Guidelines