Adults desires to leave legacies of themselves to the next generation: the positive side of Erikson's generativity vs stagnation
"self absoption"- when individuals sense they have done little or nothing for the next generation; the negative side of Erikson's Generativity vs stagnation.
Contemporary life events approach
an approach that emphasizes how life events influence the individuals development depends not only on the life event, but also on mediating factors, the individuals adaptation to the life event, the life stage context, and the sociohistorical context.
social clock
the timetable according to which individuals are expected to accomplish life tasks, such as getting married, having children, or establishing themselves in a career.
Big 5 factors of personality
- openness
- conscientiousness
- extraversion
- agreeableness
- neuroticism
Cumulative personality model
the time and age people become more adept at interacting with their environment in ways that promote the stability of personality
Empty nest syndrome
a term used to indicate a decreased in marital satisfaction after children leave home.
Sandwich generation
middle aged adults who, because of their responsibilities, have to take care of their adolescents and their aging parents.
Erikson's crisis for middle adulthood
generativity vs stagnation
who emphasized developmental tasks must be mastered at each stage?
most frequent daily stressor
interpersonal tension
cohort effects
affects that are due to the subjects time of birth or generation, not age.
tendency to be outgoing, assertive, and active
tendency to be kind and helpful
tendency to be assertive, deliberate, and conforming
tendency to be anxious, moody, and self punishing
tendency to be imaginitive, curious, artistic, and willing to have new experiences
what puts too much emphasis on change and does not recognize the stability of adulthood?
(contemporary) Life events approach
2 basic needs of adulthood
Love and Work
3 reasons women divorce
- verbal, physical, and emotional abuse
- alcohol and drug abuse
- cheating
3 reasons men divorce
- no obvious problem, fell out of love
- cheating
- different values, lifestyles
3 styles of granparenting
- remote
- involved
- companionate
grandparents are distant but esteemed elders who are obeyed.
Grandparents are active in the day to day life of the grandchildren
grandparents choose when and how they will interact with their granchildren while maintaining autonomy and their independence
Developmental period beginnning about age 35 and extending to 65 yrs old
Middle adulthood
Most important reason for individual variations of health
personal lifestyle choices
when growth stops and aging begins
what is correlated to almost every physical ailment that occurs during middle adulthood?
Strees and the reaction to stress
loss of muscle mass
men lose hearing _____ as fast as women
___out of ___americans are overweight
2 out of 3
compared to middle aged women, middle aged men are ___as likely to die of any cause and ___time as likely to die of heart disease
___problems are more common for those who have higher number prescription and nonprescription meds are obese are depressed or have cardiovascular disease.
sleep problems
___% of all cancers are attributed to lifestyle due to?
- 65
- Smoking
- obesity
- lack of exercise
___is the main cause of death?
Heart disease
the midlife transition in which fertility declines
the complete cessation of a woman's menstruation which usually occurs in the late forties early fifties
average age of menopause
accumulated information and verbal skills which increase in middle age. according to Horn
crystallized intelligence (hard facts)
the ability to reason abstractly, which steadily declines from middile adulthood on
Fluid intelligence (being creative)
4 features that distinguish the expert for the novice
- intuitive
- strategic
- automatic
- flexible
involves having extensive, highly organized knowledge and understanding of a particular domain.
Long tem memory becomes less reliable and more time is required to retrieve information