
  1. most common normal flora of the mouth
    streptococcal species
  2. most normal flora in the mouth are found
    on the teeth because they are a nonshedding surface
  3. upper small intestine contains large or small number of bacteria
  4. large intestine contains large or small number of bacteria
  5. along with other enterobacteria, what is common in normal flora
    E. coli
  6. normal intestinal flora prevent
    pathogenic colonization of large intestine
  7. bacterial upper digestive infections (4)
    • dental caries
    • peridontal disease
    • trench mouth
    • heliobacter peptic ulcer disease
  8. viral upper digestive infections (2)
    • herpes simplex 1
    • mumps
  9. main reason for tooth loss
    tooth decay (dental caries)
  10. dental caries is what kind of hemolytic
    gamma (no lysis of RBC)
  11. bioflim on teeth is caused by
  12. periodontal disease is
    inflammation of gums in response to plaque bacteria
  13. common symptoms of periodontal disease
    • bleeding gums
    • bad breath
    • discolored teeth
  14. gingivitis is caused by
    porphyromonas gingivalis
  15. ANUG stands for
    acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
  16. trench mouth is what kind of infection
    • synergistic
    • has spirochetes and anaerobic bacteria
  17. where is the flagella located on heliobacter pylori
    all on one end
  18. main sign of gastric ulcer
    tender abs
  19. what does heliobacter pylori do
    eats away lining of stomach starting with the mucuos membrane
  20. how is heliobacter pylori transferred
    • fecal-oral
    • saliva
  21. number 1 cause of herpes simplex 1 spreading
  22. how long does herpes simplex 1 persist for
    • life
    • virus can become dormant in sensory nerves mostly in the face
  23. only resovior for herpes simplex 1 is
  24. what makes herpes simplex virus 1 worse
  25. how does mumps enter the body
    respiratory tract
  26. main sign of mumps
    swelling of parotid glands
  27. bacterial lower digestive infections (4)
    • cholera
    • shigellosis
    • salmonellosis
    • gastroenteritis
  28. viral lower digestive infections (2)
    • rotavirus and norovirus
    • hepatitis
  29. protozoan lower digestive infections
    • giardiasis
    • amoebia dysentery
  30. 3 things that cholera toxin secretes
    Cl-, HCl-, and H2O
  31. main symptom of cholera
    rice watery stools
  32. where does cholera colonize
    small intestine
  33. cholera is spread by
    fecal contaminated food/water
  34. shigellosis causes
    intestinal inflammation and bleeding
  35. shigellosis is fatal for
    infants in deveoping countries
  36. a sign of shigellosis
  37. shigellosis is transferred by
    fecal-oral route
  38. 2 most common types of salmonellosis in US
    • s. typhimurium
    • s. enteritidis
  39. salmonellosis can lead to
    typhiod fever and shock
  40. how do you get salmonellosis
    fecal contaminated foods esp poultry
  41. 2 most common causes of gastroenteritis
    • e. coli
    • campylobacter
  42. what causes travelers diarrhea
  43. 4 groups of e.coli
    • entertoxigenic (ETEC)- pathogen stays in GI tract
    • enteroinvasive (EIEC)- penetrates into intestial walls
    • enteropathogenic (EPEC)- can enter blood stream
    • enterohemorrhagic (EHEC)- lysis of RBC
  44. most common cause of diarrhea in US
  45. main sign of campylobacter
    bloody stool
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