GI Jeopardy

  1. Diet for Celiac Disease
    Gluten free diet (avoid wheat, barley, oats)
  2. Potential post-op complications for laparotomy patients:
    • Atelectasis
    • Pneumonia
    • Hemorrhage
    • DVT
    • Surgical Wound Infection
    • Fluid/Electrolyte Imbalance
    • Urinary Infection
  3. Nursing priority for a patient experiencing vomiting:
    • Fluid/Electrolyte Imbalance
    • Aspiration
  4. Diuretic of choice for patients with ascites:
    Aldactone (K sparing, aldosterone inhibitor)
  5. Best way to assess for adequate cardiac output and renal perfusion
    Urine Output
  6. Complications that are more common in Crohn’s Disease than Ulcerative Colitis
    • Fistula
    • Stricture
    • Perforation
    • Malabsorption (B12 Deficiency)
  7. Electrolyte imbalance that can results from severe pancreatitis
  8. Complication of gastrectomy that can result in dizziness, diarrhea and hypoglycemia:
    Dumping Syndrome
  9. Major complications of PUD:
    • GI Bleed
    • Perforation
    • Gastric Outlet Obstruction
  10. Hepatitis serology that indicates immunity to hepatitis B
    Antibody to Hep B Surface Antigen
  11. Diagnostic test of choice to determine the etiology of an upper GI bleed
    Upper Endoscopy or EGD
  12. Invasive diagnostic test that can be used to remove a gallstone from common bile duct
  13. The nurse should monitor the patient for this electrolyte imbalance after a radical neck dissection
  14. Drain inserted in the common bile duct after an open cholescystectomy
    T Tube
  15. Most common risk factors associated with PUD:
    • H Pylori
    • Infection
    • Meds (NSAIDS, ASA, Corticosteroids)
  16. Type of viral hepatitis that can be chronic and is not preventable
    Hep C
  17. Labs that should be ordered for a GI bleed patient:
    • CBC
    • CMP
    • PT/INR
    • APTT,
    • ABG
    • (understand what we’re looking for in each lab and why they are important)
  18. Potentially debilitating but benign GI condition that can cause diarrhea, constipation, or both
    Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  19. Symptoms of pancreatic cancer:
    • Abdominal pain
    • Nausea
    • Weight loss
    • Jaundice
  20. Surgical procedure that is a partial gastrectomy with anastomosis to the jejunum
  21. Lifestyle modifications the nurse teaches a patient with GERD
    • Eat smaller portions
    • Do not eat two hours before bed
    • Eat upright
    • Elevate HOB
    • Avoid alcohol, carbonation, caffeine, chocolate, acidic foods
  22. Medication that lowers ammonia levels in hepatic encephalopathy:
  23. Complication of cirrhosis causes life threatening upper GI bleed
    Esophageal varices
  24. Causes of acute abdominal pain:
    • Ectopic pregnancy
    • Bowel obstruction
    • Perforation
    • Appendicitis
  25. Two leading causes of pancreatitis:
    Gallstones and excessive alcohol intake
  26. Two lab tests that help diagnose pancreatitis:
    • Amylase
    • Lipase
  27. Dark tarry stool that may be indicative of an upper GI bleed:
  28. Assessment finding that is associated with excessive amount of bilirubin:
  29. Two types of precancerous lesions found in the oral cavity:
    • Leukoplakia
    • Erythroplakia
  30. Lifestyle changes the nurse teaches patients with constipation:
    • Increase fiber and fluid intake
    • Increase activity level
    • Avoid laxative abuse
  31. rgytugh
  32. uyut
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GI Jeopardy