
  1. What is a Stevenson Screen?
    A wooden box built to house thermometers which allows an accurate air temperature to be taken
  2. Why is a Stevenson Screen slatted at the sides?
    To let the wind pass through and keep out direct sunlight. Also so the inside of the box does not get too hot
  3. Why is a Stevenson Screen painted white?
    To reflect the suns heat
  4. In what direction should a Stevenson screen face and why?
    North - to keep out direct sunlight
  5. Why is a Stevenson Screen on legs one metre above the ground?
    So it is not affected by the temperature of the ground
  6. What instrument is used to measure precipitation and what is the unit of measurement?
    • A rain gauge
    • mm
  7. Where should a rain gauge be situated?
    Away from objects which shelter it; on a surface which does not let water splash
  8. What instrument is used to measure wind direction and what is the unit of measurement?
    • Wind vane
    • Points of the compass
  9. What instrument is used to measure wind speed and what is the unit of measurement?
    • Anemometer
    • km/hr
  10. How do we measure cloud cover?
    In Octas (0-8 (plus sky obsured!!))
  11. What instrument is used to measure sunshine and what is the unit of measurement?
    • Sunshine recorder
    • Hours
  12. What instrument is used to measure air pressure and what is the unit of measurement?
    • Barometer or barograph
    • millibars
  13. What is an isobar?
    Lines that join up areas of equal pressure
  14. What is the boundary between to different types of air mass called?
    A front
  15. What kind of weather occurs along a front?
    Cloud and rain
  16. What is a depression?
    An area of low air pressure
  17. What direction do winds blow in a depression?
  18. Whatare areas with high pressure called?
  19. What direction do winds blow in an anticyclone?
  20. What is the main difference between high pressure weather in summer and winter?
    It is hot in summer but cold in winter
Card Set
Standard Grade Geography - Weather Unit