Comp Pt

  1. a loss of hair
  2. an irreversible alteration in adult cells toward more primitive (embryonic) cell types; characteristics of tumor cells
  3. not malignant
  4. use of biological agents to treat cancer
  5. an agent that may cause cnacer; may be chemical, physical (ionizing radiation), or biologic; biologic ____________ may be external (for example, viruses) or internal (genetic defects).
  6. a malignant tumor of epithelial origin
  7. treatment of illness by chemical means, that is, by medication or drugs
  8. distortion of the sense of taste
  9. an abnormality of development; in pathology, alteration in size, shape, and organization of adult cells
  10. an analysis of the blood and blood-forming tissues
    hematologic profile
  11. formation and development of blood cells
  12. the pt is placed in a sealed chamber and given pure oxygen through a face mask. At the same time, compressed air is introduced into the chamber to raise the atmospheric pressure to several times normal. this equalizes the pressure inside and outside of the body, thereby flooding the tissues with oxygen. An increase in oxygen to the irradiated tissues can temporarily compensate for the reduction in circulation.
    hyperbaric oxygen
  13. the production of diagnostic images, including radiography, ultrasonography, or scintigraphy.
  14. the diffusion or accumulation in a tissue of cells or substances not normal to it or in amounts in excess of normal; in leukemia, for example, white blood cells ____________ body tissues
  15. in its normal place; confined to the site of origin
    in situ
  16. pertaining to, or situated in the interstices (small spaces) of a tissue
  17. within a sheath; through the theca of the spinal cord into the subarachnoid space; in leukemia, for example, the location for the delivery of various chemotherapeutic drugs
  18. having the same genetic constitution; syngeneic
  19. an acute or chronic progressive malignant neoplasm of the blood-forming organs, marked by diffuse proliferation of immature white blood cells (leukocytes); subsequent reduction in erythrocytes and platelets results
  20. excision of one or more lymph nodes
  21. tending to become progressively worse and to result in death; having the properties of anaplasia, invasiveness, and metastasis; said of tumors
  22. transfer of disease from one organ or part to another not directly connected with it; for example, regional or distant spread of cancer cells from the site primarily involved
  23. the point at which a pt's blood counts reach their lowest level after chemotherapy administration; do not perform any dental care during this time
  24. any new and abnormal growth, specifically one in which cell multiplication is controlled and progressive; may be benign or malignant
  25. the sum of knowledge regarding tumors: the study of tumors
  26. the inflammation and ulceration of the oral mucous membranes; can increase the risk for pain, oral and systemic infection, and nutritional compromise
    oral mucositis/stomatitis
  27. blood vessel compromise and necrosis of bone exposed to high-dose radiation therapy, resulting in decreased ability to heal if traumatized and in extreme susceptibility to infection
  28. affording relief, but does not cure
  29. abnormal depression of all cellular elements of the blood
  30. occurrence in more than one form; the assumption of various distinct morphologic types by a single organism or cell
  31. the treatment of disease by ionizing radiation; may be external megavoltage or internal by use of interstitial implantation of an isotope (radium)
    radiation therapy
  32. a highly radioactive chemical element found in uranium minerals; used in the treatment of malignant tumors in the form of needles or pellets for interstitial implantation
  33. the return of a disease weeks or months after its apparant cessation
  34. diminution or abatement of the symptoms of a disease; the period during which such diminution occurs
  35. a tumor, often highly malignant, composed of cells derived from connective tissue such as bone and cartilage, muscle, blood vessel, or lymphoid tissue
  36. the succinct, standardized description of a tumor with regard to origin and spread. This clinical classification is based on physical assessments, biopsy, imaging, and endoscopy. Each sate (I-IV) consists of three components T (size of tumor); N (lymph node involvement); and M (presence or absence of distant metastasis)
  37. limitations of opening because of spasm and/or fibrosis of the muscles of mastication and/or temporomandibular joint located in the field of radiation
  38. dryness of the mouth because of thickened, reduced, or absent salivary flow; increases the risk for infection and compromised chewing, speaking, and swallowing. Persistant dry mouth increases the risk for dental caries
    xerostomia/salivary gland dysfunction
Card Set
Comp Pt
week thirteen