CNS Drugs

  1. Medications that relieve pain without the person loosing consciousness
  2. This is a narcotic and comes from the poppy plant.
  3. The main use of Opioids is:
    to alleviate moderate to severe pain
  4. ___________is an example of an opioid studied in class
  5. Pain is defined as:
    • 1. Anything the pt. says it is
    • 2. unpleasant sensory & emotional experience associated w/either actual or potential tissue damage
  6. The level of stimulus needed to produce a painful sensation is referred to as:
    pain threshold
  7. The psychologic element of pain is called:
    pain tolerance
  8. this is a "short lived" pain __________
    This is a ongoing and hard to manage pain ______
    • acute
    • chronic
  9. ____binds to an opioid pain receptor in the brain and causes an analgesic response - the reduction of pain sensation
  10. _______binds to a pain receptor but causes a weaker pain response than a full agonist
    partial agonist
  11. binds to pain receptor site & blocks
  12. Therapeutic uses of opioids:
    • Alliviate pain
    • Cough suppression
    • Diarrhea treatment
  13. Most important vital sign to access is:__________
    • Respiration count
    • if <12/min do not administer drug
  14. Side effects/adverse effets of opioids:
    • 1. CNS depression
    • 2. GI upset
    • 3. Tolerance
    • 4. Withdrawal
    • 5. Respiratory depression
    • 6. Itching/rash/wheal formation
    • 7. Orthostatic hypotension
    • 8. Urinary retention
    • 9. Dependence
    • 10. Anaphylaxis (rare)
  15. Opioid overdoses are treated with this medication:
  16. Nonopioid analgesics covered in class:
    Actaminophen (Tylenol)
  17. Tylenol's mode of action is that it:
    interferes with the pain messenger prostaglandin
  18. Therapeutic effects of Tylenol:
    • Analgesic
    • Antipyretic
    • WEAK anti-inflammatory
    • Minimal to NO anticoagulant effects
  19. NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
    Asprin & Advil
  20. Side effects of Asprin & Advil:
    • GI upset
    • Bleeding
    • Renal impairment
  21. Asprin should not be given to children under 16 due to the potential to cause:
    Reye's syndrom
  22. Overdoses/toxicity of NSAIDS include:
    • Tinnitus
    • electrolyte imbalance
    • hypoglycemia
  23. __have an inhibitory effect on the CNS and reduce nervousness, excitability and irritability w/out causing sleep
  24. Example of nonbenzodiazepines given in class (sleeping aid)
    Ambien - sleeping aid
  25. This antiepileptic agent has a very narrow therapeutic index
    Dilantin 10-20 mcg/mL
  26. Side effects of Dilantin:
    • Overgrowth of gum tissue
    • Confusion
    • Slurred speech
    • Thromboscytopenia (low platelet count)
    • Leukopenia (low WBC)
  27. Parkinsons effects how?
    neurologic disorder that affects the extrapyramidal motor tract...which controls posture, balance and locomotion.
  28. How do antiparkinsonian agents work?
    work to restore the functional balance between dopamine & ACH
  29. Antiparkinsinian Agent discussed in class
    Selegiliine (Eldepryl)
  30. Benzodiazepine used to treat anxiety
  31. Benzos effect the neurotransmitter______
  32. Side effects of Benzos
    • Dizziness
    • drowsiness
    • weakness
    • hypotension
  33. High doses of Benzodiazepines cause:
    • paradoxical mental reactions including:
    • rage
    • confusion
    • anxiety
    • insomnia
  34. Benzodiazepines over doses are treated with this drug
  35. This Nonbenzodiazepine is used for ppl w/addiction problems or needing to complete adls. (antianxiety)
    Buspar (buspirone)
  36. MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) antidepressants discussed in class:
  37. What CAUTION should a person taking Nardil be warned about?
    • Avoiding food containing tyramine
    • ex: pepperoni,........
  38. Selective Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors-Antidepressants discussed in class (4)
    • Prozac
    • Paxil
    • Zoloft
    • Celexa
  39. Selective Serotonin Nonreuptake inhibitors - antidepressants discussed in class (2)
    • Cymbalta
    • Prestiq
  40. Antimanic agent that helps prevent the cycling & maintain the mood
    Lithium *has a narrow theraputic index 0.6-1.2 mEq/L
  41. Drug used to treat typical antipsychotic
  42. Drug used to treat atypical antipsychotic
  43. Thorazine causes _______
    EPS Extrapyramidal symptoms
  44. Name the types of EPS
    • Dystonia - stiffness of neck, acute muscle spasms
    • Akathisia - restlessness "ants in pants"
    • Cogwheel regidity- stop release..stop release
  45. EPS is treated with _______
  46. Atypical antipsychotic drug discussed in class
Card Set
CNS Drugs
CNS Drugs