CNS drugs

  1. Inactivation of Neurotransmitters
    • Reuptake inhibitors
    • Enzymatic transformation - degradation
    • Diffusion
  2. Neurotransmitters - CNS
    • Ach - acetylcholine
    • Dopamine
    • Seratonin
    • Epinephrin
    • Histamine
    • GABA - Gamma Aminobutyric Acid
    • Glycine
  3. Neurotransmitters - PNS
    • ACH
    • Norepinephrine
    • Epinephrine
  4. Blood-Brain Barrier
    Passage is limited to lipide-soluble agents and drugs that cross by way of specific transport systems.

    Drugs that are protein bound or are highly ionized cannot cross.
  5. Opioids - side effects / adverse effects
    • Respiratory depression - Alway acess respiration
    • CNS depression - lower seizure threshold, tremors, sedation, disorientation, confusion

    Itching, rash, wheal formation - histamine release

    GI upset / constipation

    Urinary retention / bladder distension
  6. Opioid - Antagonists (for overdose)
    • Reverx (IV)
    • Narcan (IV)
    • ReVia (PO) - antinarcotic / alcohol overdose
  7. Non-Opiod Analgesics
    • Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
    • NSAIDS - asprin / ibupropin
  8. Acetaminophen

    a) max daily dose
    b) antagonist (for overdose)
    • a) 4000 mg / daily
    • b) acetylcysteine - mucolytic - breaksdown mucus - admin w/in 24hr to emptied stomach
  9. Acetaminophen - action
    Inhibits prostaglandin synthesis
  10. NSAIDS - mechanism of action
    Interfers w/ prostaglandin
  11. NSAIDS

    a) side effects

    b) Overdose / Toxicity
    Do not give to children < 16 due to Reye's syndrome

    • a) GI upset/distress
    • Bleeding
    • Renal impairment

    • b) Tinnitus
    • Electrolyte imbalances
    • Hypoglycemia
Card Set
CNS drugs
CNS drugs for NUR 104