MSA2 Test 1 Review

  1. The name of the expanded portion at each end of a bone. It is the point of articulation.
  2. What is the site of bone lengthening?
    Epiphyseal disc.
  3. The shaft of the bone.
  4. Two examples of flat bones
    • Ribs
    • Clavicle
  5. Two examples of short bones.
    • Wrist bones
    • Ankle bones
  6. An example of a sesamoid bone
  7. Two examples of amphiarthrotic joints
    • Ribs
    • Vertebrae
  8. Three classifications of joints
    • Fibrous
    • Cartilagenous
    • Synovial
  9. In what type of joints are bones closely bound together with dense CT?
    Fibrous joints
  10. On what bone is the mastoid process found?
  11. What are the largest sinuses and where are they found?
    • Maxillary sinuses
    • Floor of orbit to upper teeth
  12. What bone forms the cheek bones?
    Zygomatic bones
  13. What is the only movable bone of the facial skeleton?
  14. What forms the vertebral column?
    25 vertebrae and intervertebral discs (made of fibrocartilage)
  15. What is the other name for C1?
  16. What is the other name for C2?
  17. Lateral flexion
  18. What makes up the thoracic cage?
    • ribs
    • thoracic vertebrae
    • sternum
    • costal cartilage
  19. What makes up the pectoral girdle?
    • clavicle
    • scapula
  20. Fn of jts? (2)
    • bind bones together
    • allow movement and bone growth
  21. Fn of articular cartilage (hyaline cartilage)?
    Reduces friction during movement
  22. Where is the synovial membrane?
    The inner layer of the joint capsule
  23. Main function of the inner layer of a joint capsule
    Synovial membrane secretes synovial fluid = lubrication
  24. What do ligaments connect?
    bone to bone, which prevents excessive jt movement
  25. Six types of synovial joints
    • Ball and socket (GH joint)
    • Ellipsoid (radiocarpal jt)
    • Hinge (humeroulnar jt)
    • Saddle (thumb)
    • Gliding (carpals or tarsals)
    • Pivot (1st & 2nd cervical vert)
  26. Which type of synovial jt is this? Consists of oval-shaped end articulating with the elliptical basin of another bone. It permits flexion/extension and abduction/adduction.
    Ellipsoid joint.
  27. Which type of synovial jt is this? It allows for only flexion/extension. Example: elbow
    Hinge joint
  28. Which type of synovial jt is this? It's a modified ellipsoid jt composed of convex and concave articulating surfaces. Example- thumb
    Saddle joint
  29. Which type of synovial jt is this? It's usually between two flat surfaces and allows for the least movement- only small shifting movements.
    Gliding jts
  30. Which type of synovial jt is this? It's designed to allow one bone to rotate around the surface of another.
  31. First and second cervical vertebrae are an example of which joint type?
  32. Which type of synovial jt is this? Egg shaped head of bone articulates with cup shaped cavity of another.
    Ball and socket
  33. Why is the scapulothoracic "joint" not a real synovial joint?
    The scapula is suspended on the rib cage by muscles
  34. What movement is a bending that reduces the angle of a joint so that the parts come together within the sagittal plane?
  35. What is movement of a limb away from the midline within the coronal plane?
  36. What is the turning of the head/torso within the transverse plane?
  37. From anatomical position, the turning of a limb toward the midline within the transverse plane.
    Internal/medial rotation
  38. Movement of the scapula in an arc lateral and superior in relation to the humerus in the coronal plane
    Upward rotation
  39. Moving a part backward (scap or jaw)
  40. Moving a part forward (scap or jaw)
  41. Movement toward the midline within the transverse plane (shoulder joint)
    Horizontal adduction
  42. Moving a body part so that its end follows a circular path
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MSA2 Test 1 Review
MSA2 Lesson Plans 1-4