
  1. The Seven Years' War began in North America with the:

    C) surrender of George Washington at Fort Necessity.

    The American part of this war was fought primarily on the western frontier and in Canada.
  2. The Seven Years' War resulted in the:

    D) end of French control over any of North America

    The Treaty of Paris ended the French presence on the continent of North America.
  3. The Proclamation of 1763:

    C) limited colonial settlement to east of the Appalachian mountains.

    The British hoped to use this edict to stave off future conflicts with the Indians and more easily control the colonies.
  4. Those known as the English "Opposition":

    B) were primarily concerned with the potential abuse of power.

    The "Opposition" believed leaders tended to abuse power and needed to be watched closely at all times.
  5. The primary aim of Parliament's passage of the Stamp Act was to:

    B) raise revenue for England by placing taxes on legal documents, newspapers, playing cards, etc

    The English had been paying a similar tax for nearly a century.
  6. Committees of Inspection were established to enforce:

    C) the ban on trade with England.

    The committees of inspection were established to enforce the non-importation agreements created in protest to the Townshend Acts.
  7. Which of the following is TRUE about the outcome of the Stamp Act crisis?

    A) The Stamp Act was repealed by the British Parliament.

    The Stamp Act was repealed in 1766.
  8. The Boston Massacre was due principally to the tensions surrounding:

    B) the stationing of British regular troops in the city.

    The Tea Party occurred after the Massacre.
  9. The Quebec Act angered American colonists for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

    D) it provided for a powerful representative assembly in Quebec, which would be left alone by Britain.

    The Quebec Act did officially recognize the Roman Catholic Church.
  10. While representing diverse interests, delegates to the First Continental Congress found a certain similarity they referred to as:

    B) civic virtue.

    "Civic virtue" was the name the representatives gave to traits of character they admired, such as simplicity, self-reliance, industry, thrift and a commitment to the public good.
  11. The British marched on Lexington and Concord in 1775 to:

    C) seize the arms and ammunition stored by the Provincial Congress.

    The British marched on Lexington and Concord to seize arms hidden in those towns.
  12. In his pamphlet Common Sense, Thomas Paine:

    B) denounced monarchy as a dangerous form of government.

    Paine viewed independence as the destiny of Americans.
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