Any change in the mineral compositoin of a rock caused by pohyscial or chemical means, espcially by hydrothermal fluids
An analysis of the proportions of metal in an ore. Composition, purity, weight, or other properties of economic interested are tested
Average Grade
The average quantity or percentage of ore minearl content in an ore body
- Gavg = Sums (width of ore vein x assay) Sums (widths of ore veins)
Base Metal
a common and chemically acitve metal - lead or copper for example
The mass or weight of a substance per volume that it occupies
The process by which limestone is converted to dolomite by the replacement of calcium carbonate by magnesium carbonate
Oxidation potential; the potential of a half-cell, measured against the standard hydrogen half-cell
An ore deposit that originates later that the enclosing host rocks
The chemical product of exhalation; a deposit formed by the interaction of volcanically derived water and sea water with subjacent rocks
Valuless rock or mineral aggregates in an ore; economically undesirable
Giant field
A peroleum field containing 500 million barrels or more of recoverable oil; a nautral gas field which has a minimum of 3.5 trillion ft3 of recoverable gas
An iron-bearing weathered product overlying a sulfide deposit
Pertaining to hot water, the action of hot water, or the products of hot water
The process of practically simultaneous solution and deposition of a new mineral in an old mineral by means of interstitial fluids
The negative log10 of the hydrogen-ion activity in a solution, a measure of the acidity or basicity of a solution
An igneous rock that contains phenocrysts in a fine grained matrix
Introduction of, or replacement by, pyrite, a common process of hydrothermal alteration
The degree of progressive meatmorphism of peat (coalification)
Silicate rocks of complex metamorphic-metasomatic mineralogy formed in carbonate rocks in a contact metamorphic aureole
Extraction of ore in an underground mine by working laterally in a series of levels in the plane of the vein
Supergene Enrichment
A near-surface process of mineral deposition in which metals are leached by acidic solutions, carried downward, and repreciptated, enriching the sulfide minerals already present
A mineral deposit formed contemporaneously wit, and by the same processes as, the enclosing rocks