Infectious Disease

  1. The most common cause of meningitis in the United States is:
    N. meningitides
  2. Organism reproduction occurs in which stage of the infectious disease process?
    Incubation period
  3. Hepatitis C can be spread only by:
    Infected blood containing the virus
  4. BSI is based on the premise that:
    All exposures to body fluids under any circumstances are potentially infectious
  5. You are called to the home of a patient who tells you that he has been sick for weeks with flu-like symptoms, loss of appetite, fever, and joint pain. His skin is jaundiced and he states that the color of his urine has been dark. You suspect that this patient may have:
    Hepatitis B
  6. The rabies virus is most often carried in virus-laden:
  7. You are called to the home of a 48-year-old female who has a history of diabetes. The patient tells you that she has had a sudden onset of chills, high fever, and chest pain when she breathes. She is short of breath and has a productive cough of yellow-green sputum. You suspect:
  8. Universal precautions and personal protective gear for paramedics that prevent exposure to tuberculosis include:
    A filter respirator
  9. The chickenpox virus may reactivate during periods of stress or immunosuppression in an adult and produce an illness called:
  10. Turning on the activities of cytotoxic cells is the role of:
    Helper T Cells
  11. You are called to the home of a 72-year-old male who tells you that he has had chills, fever, headache, muscular ache, loss of appetite, and fatigue for 5 days. A day after these symptoms began he developed an upper respiratory infection and cough. You suspect that this patient may have:
  12. The agency that requires that personal protective equipment (PPE) be available to all employees at risk for exposure to infectious diseases is:
  13. The airborne infectious disease of primary concern is:
  14. Untreated chlamydia may cause:
  15. The Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resource Emergency Act of 1990 requires that:
    Emergency responders be notified if they have been exposed to infectious disease
  16. The most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States is:
  17. Chickenpox is a disease caused by a:
  18. In women, chlamydia usually
    Is Asymptomatic
  19. The average time from HIV transmission to serious complications in the absence of treatment is
    10 years
  20. HIV may be transmitted by:
    Direct transmission by infected blood or body fluids
  21. Infectious agents that are prokaryotic and produce toxins are called:
  22. The most effective means of controlling SARS is:
    Strict quarantine of infected individuals
  23. The cell receptor sought by HIV is the:
    CD4T Cell
  24. When a patient who has been infected with the rabies virus attempts to drink water, violent and painful spasms in the throat are induced. This phenomenon is called:
  25. Effective treatment for tuberculosis involves:
    A lengthy four-drug regimen
  26. When treating a patient with pertussis, the need for body-substance isolation (BSI) and surgical-mask protection for the paramedic and patient is greatest:
    Before the onset of paroxysmal coughing
  27. You are called to the home of a patient who tells you that he was recently diagnosed with a "strep throat." He took his antibiotics for only 2 days instead of the 7 days that were prescribed. The patient now complains of a stiff neck, fever, headache, and loss of appetite. You suspect that the patient may have meningitis caused by:
    S. pneumoniae
  28. You are called to transport a 23-year-old male who reports dysuria and urgency and frequency of urination. When questioned, he also admits to a purulent urethral discharge. You suspect this patient may have:
  29. An infectious disease differs from a communicable disease in that a communicable disease
    Can be transmitted from person to person
  30. A 2-year-old patient's mother tells you that a day or two before he developed a rash, he had white spots on the inside of his cheek. The rash started on his face and has spread to his feet over the past 2 days. You suspect:
  31. Intermediate-level disinfection is achieved by:
    Hospital disinfectant
  32. MRSA is spread most commonly:
    Through direct physical contact
  33. The most common symptom of tetanus is:
  34. A tetanus booster to confer effective active immunity is required every:
    10 years after the initial booster
  35. When a disease outbreak occurs, the first organization to detect the outbreak is likely to be:
    The local health agency
  36. Medications that treat tetanus include:
    Magnesium sulfate
  37. A paramedic is splashed with the blood of a patient who is known to have hepatitis C. This paramedic is required to:
    Report the incident to a designated officer and fill out an exposure incident form
  38. Your sister calls to tell you that your niece has just broken out in a rash caused by chickenpox. You have never had chickenpox and were visiting your niece yesterday.
    You could contract chickenpox - the disease is communicable for 1 to 2 days before rash outbreak
  39. A reusable BVM that gets connected to an ET tube should be decontaminated with:
    High-level disinfection
  40. Transmission of disease by air or biological matter is called:
    Indirect transmission
  41. You have a positive PPD test for tuberculosis during your routine annual physical. You are 30 years old and have never been treated for TB. Prophylactic INH may be recommended if you
    Have close contact with a person who has infectious TB
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Infectious Disease