State the purpose of the Navy training system.
The purpose of the navy training system is to ensure a systematic approach for determining what to train and how best to accomplish the training.
What is the most essential, single link in the training chain?
Instructor- the instructor is the one who must present the knowledge and skills required transforming students into proficient and productive members of the operating forces.
State and discuss the three qualities of an effective instructor.
Knowledge: The instructor must be the SME in his/her area of assingment. Be able to lead the students in gaingin the knowledge, skills, and attitiudes that will make them successful.
Ability: the instructor should have two basic types of ability: leadership and instructional. leadership skills such as planning and organizing, omptimizing the use of recources. delegating authority, monitoring progress and results, disciplining, rewarding are all required.
Personality: defined as the pattern of collective character, behavriol, temperamental, emotional, and mental traits.
Discuss the instuctors responsibilities in terms of:
Responsibilty to students: is to teach effectively, set a good example and help them resolve conflicts that hinder their training.
Responsibilty to training safety: the instructor is a role model for the students, Must demonstarte proper safety.
Responsibilty to security: never discuss, present or incorperate classified material not approved in the curriculum.
- Responsibilty to curriculum:
- Curriculum
- Surveillance
- Interim change
- Change
- Technical change
- revision
List and discuss the key principles of applying motivation theory in a training situation.
- 1. Needs and drives: Usually defined as a deficit or lack or something that causes a desire for satisfaction.
- 2. Interest: Students need to view the lesson or activity as worthwhile or enjoyable for its own sake.
- 3. Attitude: Consist of feelings for or against people, objects, or ideas.
- 4. Values: The students’ values, attitudes and previous experiences affect the nature and amount of what they learn.
- 5. Incentives: For students who want to achieve incentives or rewards can stimulate motivation.
- 6. Achievement: Can be a strong motivator! It can create a strong desire, a longing, an aim, a goal or a desired objective.
List and discuss five techniques which can assist in developing motivational strategies for instruction.
- 1. Make the subject matter interesting: Use a variety or materials while instructing.
- 2. Establish goals: The goals come directly from the learning objectives. Insure that students understand what is expected of them.
- 3. Provide informative feedback: Students need feedback when they are trying to meet goals. Feedback may be either oral or written.
- 4. Show interest to your students: Show interest by providing detailed feedback when students responds to questions or perform tasks related to instructional objectives.
- 5. Encourage participation: Be open to student’s contributions and points of view.
State the ultimate goal of instruction.
*The ultimate goal of instruction is for students to remain motivated beyond the instructor’s influence, and apply what they’ve learned on the job.
State and discuss five different ways of learning.
- 1. IMITATION: Observe and imitate behavior is natural. The instructor must strive to set the proper example because he/she is the role model.
- 2.TRIAL AND ERROR: Sometimes known as discovery learning. This is learning by doing.
- 3. ASSOCIATION: Comparison of past learning to a new learning situation. Learners can confront new problems more easily if they can associate with prior learning.
- 4. INSIGHT: Often referred to as the “ah-ah” phenomenon. Use questions to get their mind working stimulate the thinking process to figure it out.
- 5. TRANSFER: The process of APPLYING past learning to new but somewhat similar situation.
State and discuss the five laws of learning.
- 1. LAW OF READINESS: Students learn there best when they are physically,
- mentally and emotionally ready.
- 2. LAW OF EFFECT: Students learn best those things which in result in
- satisfying consequences.
- 3. LAW OF PRIMACY: Students learn there best and retain information longer
- when they are taught something the first time.
- 4. LAW OF EXERCISE: Practice makes perfect.
- 5. LAW OF INTENSITY: A vivid experience is learned better and retained longer.
Discuss how motivation affects student learning.
*Motivation is important and is the responsibility of the student and instructor. The lesson subject, the classroom atmosphere, the competence of the instructor, and the personality of the instructor and the student all affect motivation.
State and discuss the six common characteristics all students possess.
- 1. BELIEF IN THEIR MATURITY: Students want to be treated as adults.
- 2. NO ONE WANTS TO FAIL: Use their desire to succeed to your advantage to help them.
- 3. ABILITY TO EVALUATE: Students are quick to form opinions. They evaluate everything.
- 4. FALLIBILITY: Everyone makes mistakes. Have patience and provide encouragement as students move through various stages of competency.
- 5. SENSE OF FAIR PLAY: Do not favor certain students.
- 6. RECOGNITION: A basic human need and good motivator for learning.
State and discuss the four basic learning styles.
- 1. Concrete: Prefer an experienced-based approach to learning.
- 2. Active: Prefer to learn by becoming involved with the subject and taking an active step-by-step approach.
- 3. Reflective: Like to observe and reflect (make comparisons and contrasts) before drawing conclusions. Learn best from lectures, films, and reading.
- 4. Abstract: Prefer a theory based analytical approach to learning. Learn best from lectures by experts.
Discuss the barriers to effective communication.
- 1. Lack of common core experience: Students come from many diverse cultural and experimental backgrounds. The instructor must be aware of this in preparation of his lesson plan.
- 2. Overuse of abstraction: Speak in concrete terms- no specific. Military has the tendency to use many acronyms.
- 3. Fear: An instructor must provide a threat-free, non-judgmental environment.
- 4. Environmental factors: Things such as noise, temperature, color of room, uncomfortable chairs, even arrangement of student chairs may be barriers.
State and discuss the purpose of the 3-step communication process.
- 1. Sending the message:
- *Has Four (4) Elements:
- a. Formulate Message- Formulate as you intend to communicate
- b. Consider internal and external barriers- Barriers that may affect the message, both internal and external.
- c. Encode message- put into words you want to use.
- d. Transmit message- clearly communicate (send message)
- 2. Receiving the message:
- *Has Four (4) Elements:
- a. Message received- see/hear the message sent.
- b. Internal and external barriers- Message is affected by external and internal, barriers which may include, student's experience level, term used, even the feeling toward the subject/person.
- c. Decode message- Recover must decode message through the use of mental images.
- d. Interpret Message- the receiver must interpret the message.
- 3. Feedback:
- * Provides essential information about your sucess in communicating the message. To get
- feedback, have the student respond to questions and encourage them to ask questions.
Discuss why listening is one of the most important communication skills.
*Listening is an active process of hearing and understanding.