B- bronchial hygiene/suction

  1. where is the bed- flat
    upper lobes
  2. where is the bed- down 15'
    mid lobes
  3. where is the bed- down 30'
    lower lobes
  4. what is the purpose of bronchial hygiene therapy
    • improve mobilization of secretions
    • prevent accumulation of secretions
  5. indications of bronchial hygiene
    ineffective cough
  6. consider bronchial hygiene for pt with
    • bronchiectasis
    • cf
  7. prone
    pt lying face down
  8. supine
    pt lying on spine
  9. fowlers, semi fowlers
    • best position for hypoxic pt,
    • obese w/ dyspnea,
    • post op abdominal,
    • pulm edema
  10. tredelenburg is for pt with very
    low bp
  11. indication for chest percussion
    • combination with postural drainage
    • secretions difficult to dislodge
  12. technique of chest percussion
    cupped hands
  13. when pt does not tolerate manual percussion, what can be given
    mechanical percussion or vibration
  14. purpose of vibration is to move secretions to
    larger airways
  15. technique to use while doing vibrations
    • hand over hand
    • have pt inhale deep and exhale through pursed lip
  16. pressing pillows over incised area to enhance better cough is called
  17. applying expiratory positive airway pressure using a one way inspiratory valve and a one way expi flow resistor
    PEP pos exp press therapy
  18. the exp flow resistor prevents
    end exp pressure from falling to zero
  19. exp pressure on a PEP should range from
    10-20 cmh20
  20. PEP therapy should be used for
    15-20 min intervals, 3-4 times a day
  21. a combination of pos exp pressure therapy with a high frequency oscillations at the airways is what type of device?
    vibratory/oscillatory PEP device

    • flutter
    • acapella
  22. HFCW
    high freq chest wall - vest
  23. a combination of high freq pulse delivery (100/250 cycles/min) of a sub tidal vol and dense aerosol
    IPV- intrapulm percussive ventilation
  24. what is the most common hazard of suctioning
    trauma to mucosa- must lubricate cath
  25. most severe cause of suctioning
  26. during suctioning, if you stimulate the ___ ____ you will make the pt be bradycardic
    vagus nerve
  27. vacuum pressure for adult
    100-120 mm hg
  28. vacuum pressure for child
    80-100 mm hg
  29. vacuum pressure for infant
    60-80 mm hg
  30. the Coude tip catheter is angled to help suction the
    left main stem bronchus
  31. a closed sys or inline suction cath allows the pt to
    receive vent and oxy during suctioning
  32. the external diameter of the suction catheter should ideall be no greater than
    1/2 the inside diameter (ID) of the ett or trach tube
  33. what is the formula for catheter size=
    ID size/2

    then multiply answer by 3

    8.0 mm ID/ 2 = 4 X 3 = 12 Fr
  34. used to suction the mouth and throat, using aseptic tech
    oral suction device/ Yankauer/ Tonsil suction device
  35. used to collect a sputum specimen
    lukens trap/ sterile suction trap
  36. what can be instilled to dilute secretions too thick to aspirate through the suction cath
    5-10 ml of normal saline
  37. suction cath should be in the airway no longer than
    15 sec
Card Set
B- bronchial hygiene/suction
B- bronchial hygiene/suction