Biology Protista test

  1. What is the General characteristic of all protistas?
    they are all eukaryotes
  2. What are three types of protists?
    Animal like , plant like, fungus like
  3. What are the characteristics for the animal like protists?
    • "first animals"
    • *classified based on movement
    • -heterotrophs
    • -no cell wall
    • -all unicellular
  4. What are the characteristics for the plant like protists?
    • -algae
    • -autotrophs
    • -cell wall
    • -classified based on color
    • -mostly unicellular some multicellular
  5. What are the characteristics for the fungus like protists?
    • -use spores
    • -heterotrophic
    • -they can move
  6. What are the life processes for algae?
    • movement- cilia, flagella, float
    • nutrition- autotrophic
    • respiration-aerobic (o2 in co2 out -cr and co2in o2 out -photo)
    • Reproduction- sexual (alteration of the generations ) asexual
  7. What are the life processes for protozoans ?
    • movement- cilia, flagella , pseudopods
    • nutrition - heterotrophic
    • respiration- aerobic ( o2 in / co2 out -cr)
    • reproduction-asexual( mitosis) sexual (conjugation)
  8. What are some harmful and beneficial effects of algae ?
    • harmful : cause red tides
    • algae bloom

    Beneficial : tooth paste , some cleaners, o2 production, foods, agar
  9. What are some harmful and beneficial effects of protozoans?
    • Harmful : sickness ameoboid dysintary
    • - african sleeping sickness
    • -malaria

    Benefits ?
  10. What are the characteristics of fungi?
    • -eukaryotes
    • -cell walls made of chitin
    • - multicellular
    • - heterotrophic

    *classified based on their method of sexual reproduction
  11. do fungi move
  12. what is a fungus nutrition ?
    • all heterotrophic
    • (saprophytes, mutualistic, or parasitic )
    • -extracellular digestion with absolption (outside)
  13. What is fungus respiration ?
    • -cellular respiration (aerobic and anerobic )
    • -
  14. What are fungi composed of ?
    hyphae the fuse together to form a network of filaments called mycelium
  15. What is Zygomycota ?
    Includes bread moldes

    Hyphae from two different organisms can meet to form a zygote . This zygote then becomes a zygospore.

    have stolons and rhizoids
  16. What is Ascomycota ?
    Sac fungi

    includes yeast , cup fungi , and powdery mildew . These produce ascus that produce spores.
  17. What is Basidiomycota?
    • The club fungi
    • includes- mushrooms ,shef fungi , rust , smuts and puffballs
    • the spores are produced in a club like structure called basidia
    • - a basidiospore
  18. What is Deuteromycota ?
    includes penicillium con only produce asexually .
  19. What is mycophycota ?
    • -includes linches and mycorrhizae
    • -both are mutualistic
    • -linchens
  20. What are linchens?
    fungus and a photosynthetic organism (algae or cynobacteria )
  21. What are mycorrhizae?
    -soil fungus that grows into plant roots
  22. What are harmful and beneficial effects of Fungus ?
    harmful : cause disease ( athletes foot , ring worm, yeast infection ) destroy food

    • beneficial : eat them / flavor foods
    • decomposers
    • medicine
    • brewing and making bread
Card Set
Biology Protista test
all about the protista kingdom