What are the organs of the urinary system?
kidneys, bladder, ureters & urethra
What specialty in medicine focuses on the urinary system?
What are the organs of the urinary tract?
ureters, urinary bladder & urethra
In relation to the peritoneum, what is the position of the kidneys?
Where are the kidneys located?
superior pole at T12 & inferior pole at L3
One kidney is lower than the other. Which one? Why?
right, to accomodate the large size of the liver
In what part of a kidney do the vessels, nerves, and ureters connect to it?
What internal space of a kidney houses the renal arteries, renal veins, lymphatic vessels, nerves, the renal pelvis, renal calyces, and fat?
renal sinus
What layer of dense irregular connective tissue covers the outer surface of the kidney maintaining its shape, protecting it from trauma, and preventing the spread of infecctious pathogens?
fibrous capsule
What layer of lipid-filled cells completely surrounds the kidney and offers cushioning and insulation?
perinephric fat or adipose capsule
In a coronal section what is the outer, granular layer?
renal cortex
In a coronal section what is the darker inner layer?
renal medulla
What are the triangular shaped structures within the darker, inner layer of a kidney seen in a coronal section?
renal pyramids
In the darker, inner layer of a kidney seen in a coronal section what structures lay between the triangular shaped structures?
renal columns
What part of a renal pyramid projects into the renal sinus?
renal papilla
What funnel-shaped structure attaches to a renal pyramid to collect urine?
minor calyx
The funnel-shaped structures attached to the renal pyramids within the renal sinus merge to form what still larger structures?
major calyces
What large, funnel-shaped structure within the renal sinus collects urine and delivers it to the ureter?
renal pelvis
What is the main blood supply to the kidney?
renal artery
What vein drains the kidney?
renal vein
What long, fibromuscular tubes conduct urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder?
What is the location of the ureters?
What rhythmic movements of smooth muscle propel urine along the length of a ureter?
pain from a ureter is projected to what dermatomes? Where are these located?
What organ serves as a reservoir for urine?
urinary bladder
What is the general location of the urinary bladder?
posterior to the pubis
What is the position of the urinary bladder in relation to the peritoneum?
Where do the ureters enter the bladder?
posterolateral wall
What trinagular area within the urinary bladder has the ureteral orifices and the urethral opening as its borders?
What fibromusclar tube conducts urine to the exterior of the body?
What circular array of smooth muscle guards the orifice of the urethra?
internal urethral sphincter
What circular array of skeletal muscle voluntarily controls the flow of urine through the urethra?
external uerthral sphincter
How long is the female urethra?
3-5 cm
How long is the male urethra?
18-20 cm