
  1. 1. Americans feared that the end of World War II would bring mainly
    b) a return to the Depression
  2. 2. The Taft-Hartley Act delivered a major blow to labor by
    d) outlawing the �closed� (all-union) shops
  3. 3. On the home front in 1946, the post-war United States was characterized by
    c) an epidemic of labor strikes
  4. 4. The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 was passed to check the growing power of
    c) labor unions
  5. 5. The growth of organized labor in the post-World War II era was slowed by all of the following except
    d) the reduced number of women in the work force
  6. 6. In an effort to forestall an economic downturn, the Truman administration did all of the following except
    e) continue wartime wage and price controls
  7. 7. The post-World War II prosperity in the U.S. was most beneficial to
    c) women
  8. 8. The feminist revolt of the 1960s was sparked by
    d) a clash between the demands of the traditional role of women as wives and mothers and the realities of employment
  9. 9. The long economic boom from World War II to the 1970s was fueled primarily by
    a) low energy costs
  10. 10. Much of the prosperity of the 1950s and 1960s rested on
    e) colossal military budgets
  11. 11. One sign of the stress that the immediate growth of post-World War II geographic mobility placed an American families was the
    b) popularity of advice books on child-rearing
  12. 12. Post-World War II American workers made spectacular gains in productivity owing to
    e) their rising educational levels
  13. 13. Since 1945, the population in the United States has grown most in the
    c) Sunbelt
  14. 14. Much of the Sunbelt�s new prosperity was based on its
    a) tremendous influx of money from the federal government
  15. 15. All of the following encouraged many Americans to move to the suburbs except
    a) development of fuel-efficient automobiles
  16. 16. The rapid rise of suburbia in post-WWII America can be attributed to
    e) all of the above
  17. 17. By 1960, the proportion of Americans who lived in areas classified as metropolitan suburbs was approximately
    b) one out of four
  18. 18. The continued growth of the suburbs led to
    c) an increase in urban poverty
  19. 19. Population distribution after World War II followed a pattern of
    e) an urban-suburban segregation of blacks and white in major cities
  20. 20. The refusal of FHA administrators to grant home loans to blacks resulted in
    b) driving many blacks into public housing
  21. 21. The huge �baby boom� crested in the ________________ and has been declining ever since.
    c) late 1950s
  22. 22. The baby-boom generation will create a major problem in the future by
    b) placing an enormous strain on the Social Security system
  23. 23. Harry Truman possessed all of the following personal characteristics except
    a) willingness to admit mistakes
  24. 24. The U.S. believed that it was desirable to have the Soviet Union participate in the projected invasion of Japan because
    c) Soviet help could reduce the number of American casualties
  25. 25. The origins of the Cold War lay in a fundamental disagreement between the U.S. and the Soviet Union over postwar arrangements in
    e) Eastern Europe
  26. 26. Joseph Stalin�s postwar security concerns focused primarily on
    d) Eastern Europe
  27. 27. The responsibility for starting the Cold War rests with the
    e) United States and Soviet Union
  28. 28. The earliest and most serious failure of the United Nations involved its inability to
    c) control atomic energy, especially in the manufacture of weapons
  29. 29. In regard to postwar Germany, the Big Three allies agreed that
    b) high-ranking Nazis should be tried and punished for war crimes
  30. 30. When the Soviet Union the United States, Britain, and France access to Berlin in 1948, President Truman responded by
    d) organizing a gigantic airlift of supplies to Berlin
  31. 31. Soviet specialist George F. Kennan framed a coherent approach for America in the Cold War by advising a policy of
    c) containment
  32. 32. The postwar policies adopted by the Truman administration toward the Soviet Union were based on the assumption that the Soviet Union was inherently
    e) expansionist
  33. 33. The immediate concern that prompted the announcement of the Truman Doctrine was related to events in
    b) Greece and Turkey
  34. 34. The immediate concern that prompted the announcement of the Truman Doctrine was related to events in
    d) Czechoslovakia
  35. 35. Under the Truman Doctrine, the U.S. pledged to
    d) support those who were resisting subjugation by communists
  36. 37. Truman�s defenders argue that he exaggerated the Soviet threat because he
    b) received bad intelligence from the CIA
  37. 38. President Truman�s Marshall Plan called for
    a) military aid for Europe
  38. 39. The Marshall Plan finally passed Congress largely because it was perceived there as
    e) economically beneficial to the United States
  39. 40. All of the following objected to President Truman�s support for the establishment of Israel except
    c) America�s European allies
  40. 41. American membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization did all of the following for the country except
    b) help reintegrate Germany into the European family
  41. 42. The U.S.� participation in NATO
    e) all of the above
  42. 43. Postwar Japan
    a) was, like Germany, divided into Allied occupation zones
  43. 44. The United States, under the North Atlantic Treaty pact,
    a) assumed a moral commitment to aid any signatory assaulted by the Soviet Union
  44. 45. Jiang Jieshi and the Nationalist government lost the Chinese civil war to the communists and Mao Ze-dong mainly because
    e) the communists were closer to traditional Chinese culture
  45. 46. In an effort to detect communists within the government, President Harry Truman established the
    c) Smith Act
  46. 47. In 1948, many southern Democrats split from the party because
    c) President Truman took a strong stand in favor of civil rights
  47. 49. Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) Berlin airlift, (B) Korean War, (C) fall of China
    e) C, B, A
  48. 50.Arrange the following in chronological order of their appearance: (A) Marshall Plan, (B) Truman Doctrine, (C) NATO
    e)A, B, C
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