during blood transfusions what gauges of needles can be used?
what IV solutions can not be used during blood transfusions and why
- dextrose
- LR
- -cause RBC hemolysis
the tubing can be cleared with what IV solution
who is resposible for typing and crossmatching the donors blood with the recipients blood
the blood bank
if the blood is not used within ____ min it must be ______
- 30
- returned to the blood bank
the nurse should remain with the pt how long during a blood transfusion
15 min or 50 ml
the begining rate of transfusion should be no more then
using packed RBCs means these is less of a chance of this problem?
fluid overload
what are the indications for use when it comes to packed RBCs?
- severe/symptomatic anemia
- acute blood loss
platelets would be indicated in the use for disease?
this blood products is rich is clotting factor but contains no platelets
fresh frozen plasma
fresh frozen plasma would be indicated in the use of what disease?
- hemorrhage
- massive transfusion
- liver disease
- excess warfarin
- deficiency in clotting
this blood product helps by moving water from extravascular to intravascular space
this blood product is used to treat hypovolemic shock
incompatible whole blood or RBCs
-recipients antibodies in plasma attaches to antigens on transfused RBCs causing RBC destruction
acute hemolytic reaction
clinical manifestations of acute hemolytic reaction are...
- chills
- fever
- low back pain
- tachycardia
- dyspnea
what two drugs can you give to help an acute hemolytic reaction?
this is the most common transfusion reaction and it is caused by a sensitization to donor WBCs, platelets or plasma proteins
this transfusion reaction is caused by a sensitivity to foreign plasma proteins
mild allergic
the s/s of this blood transfusion reaction are flushing, hives, and itching
mild allergic
what is the Tx of a mild allergic reactiong to blood transfusions
- antihistimines
- corticosteroids
this reaction is caused by a sensitivity to conor plasma proteins and causes anxiety, hives, dyspnea, wheezing cyanosis and shock
in the case of an anaphylactic reaction this medication should be given immediatley
this reaction is caused by fluid administration faster then the circulation can accommodate
circulatory overload
the s/s of this reaction is cough, dyspnea, pulm. congestion, HTN, tachycardia and distended neck veins
circulatory overload
with this reaction diuretics and O2 will be used
circulatory overload
this reaction is caused by a transfusion of bacterialy infected blood components
the s/s of this reaction is chills, ^ fever, vomitting, diarrhea, and is Tx w/antibiotics and IV fluids
this is a reaction btwn transfused antileukocyte antibodies and recipients leukocytes causing pulm. inflamm. and capillary leak
transfusion related acute lung injury
this reactions has the s/s of frothy sputum, fever, hypotension, tachypnea, and dyspnea
transfusion related acute lung injury
consists of removing whole blood from a person and transfusing the blood back into the same person
autotransfusion or autologus
collection of blood from pt thru a collection device and then reinfused to the pt
this helps with hemophilia and von Willebrand disease
when are vital signs taken during a blood tranfusion?
- before transfusion
- after 1st 25 min
- after 1 hr
- at completion
how long should the nurse remain with the pt during a blood transfusion
15 min
what are the required Hbg level for blood donation?