biomechanics Exam 2 Quiz Questions.txt

  1. Which type of muscle contraction is used as a braking mechanism todecrease the velocity of the arm after the ball has left your hand?

    A eccentric
  2. What is the function of a muscle acting as a neutralizer?

    A prevents undesired joint rotation caused by the contracting muscles
  3. What is the function of a muscle acting as a stabilizer?

    A causes the opposite joint rotation to the one desired
    B cooperates with other muscles to create the desired joint rotation
    C prevents undesired joint rotation caused by the contracting muscles
    D contracts to keep the two bones making up the joint from separating
    D contracts to keep the two bones making up the joint from separating
  4. Which of the following illustrates eccentric muscle contraction of the hipextensors?

    A bending forward with knees straight to touch the floor
  5. In order to reduce "form drag," you should:

    D reduce the cross-sectional area
  6. Which of the following statements is true of the Magnus force?

    D both A and B
  7. A runner having an absolute velocity of +6 m/s is running on a windy day. The wind has an absolute volocity of +3 m/s. The relative velocity is ___.

    B 3m/s
  8. An object will float if____

    E none of the above
  9. A joint that allows uniaxial rotation of articulating bone surfaces around a longitudinal axis is called

    A a pivot joint
  10. A lever in the which the force acting on the lever is in between the fulcrum and the resistance is called a

    B 3rd class lever
  11. A joint that is "freely movable" and "highly mobile" wold be classified as

    C synovial and cartilaginous
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biomechanics Exam 2 Quiz Questions.txt
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