Ardipithecus Ramidus
- Earliest 1994
- Tim White
- 4.4 Million Years Ago
- Human-Like Traits
- Aswash River
Australopithecus Anamensis
- Meave Leakey
- Transitional Teeth
- Bipedal
- 4.2-3.9 Million Years Ago
- Lake Turkana
Australopithecus Afarensis
- Donald Johanson
- Lucy
- Bipedal
- Gracile
- 3.9-3 Million Years Ago
- Hadar and Laetoli
Australopithecus Africanus
- Taung found by Raymond Dart
- Sterkfontein found by Robert Broom
- Bipedal
- Short Canines
- Gracile
- 3.3-2.5 Million Years Ago
Paranthropus Aethiopicus
- Alan Walker
- Earliest Robust
- First Sagittal Crest
- Reminiscent of Anamensis
- 2.5 Million Years Ago
- Lake Turkana
Paranthropus Robustus
- Robert Broom
- Kromdraai and Swartkrans
- Robust
- Sagittal Crest
- 2-1.2 Million Years Ago
Paranthropus Boisei
- Louis and Meave Leakey
- Robust
- Sagittal Crest
- 2.3-1.2 Million Years Ago
- Olduvai
Australopithecus Garhi
Homo Rudolphensis
- Omnivorous
- 56% Brain Size
- 2.4-1.9 Million Years Ago
- East Africa
Homo Habilis
- Louis, Mary, and Richard Leakey
- Made Stone Tools
- 2.2-1.6 Million Years Ago
- Olduvia Gorge and Lake Turkana
Homo Ergaster
- Workman
- Africa
- Omnivorous
- 74% Brain Size
- 1.6 Million Years ago developed hand axes
- Lived 1.9 Million - 600,000 Years ago
Homo Erectus
- Upright Man
- Asia
- 1.8 Million - 30,000 Years ago
- Omnivorous
- 74% Brain Size
Homo Heidelburgensis
- Africa and Europe
- Omnivorous
- 93% Brain Size
- 600,000-200,000 Years Ago
Homo Neanderthalensis
- Discovered in 1856
- Broad, Slightly Short and Strong Body
- Buried Dead
- First awareness of life and death
- 200,000-30,000 Years Ago
- Europe and West Asia
Homo Sapians
- Lighter Build of Skeleton
- Large Brains
- High Vaulted Cranium
- 130,000-Present
- Africa