Bio chapter 22

  1. The process of gas exchange is called _______
  2. It is the interchange of ______ and the waste product ______ between an organism and its environment.
    • O2
    • CO2
  3. Respiration in an animal with lungs involves 3 phases of gas exchange:
    1) Breathing

    2) Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood (circulatory system)

    3) Body tissues exchange gases; take up oxygen and release carbon dioxid
  4. _______ is ventilation of the lungs through alternating inhalation and exhalation
  5. When we inhale, ______ diffuses across the cells lining the lungs and into the blood
  6. When we exhale, _____ _____ is removed from the bod
    carbon dioxide
  7. The oxygen that diffused into the blood attaches to ________ in red blood cells
  8. Oxygen-rich blood is then transported from the _____ to _______ in body tissue.
    • lungs
    • capillaries
  9. Carbon dioxide if transported from the capillaries in the ______ ______ back to the lungs
    body tissues
  10. Oxygen is required for cellular respiration in the _____to produce ______to power cellular work
    • mitochondria
    • ATP
  11. Q: Why can’t humans survive for more than a few minutes without oxygen?
    A: Cells require a steady supply of ATP in order to function. Cellular respiration requires a continuous supply of oxygen to produce ATP.
  12. Animals exchange O2 and CO2 across ______body surfaces.
  13. Lungs are internal, thin-walled sacs lined with moist _________
  14. the _________, grapelike clusters of air sacs, where gas exchange occur.
    alveoli (singular alveolus)
  15. The _______ cavity is separated from the abdominal cavity by a sheet of muscle called the diaphragm, which helps ventilate the lungs
  16. _______ _____ is the maximum volume of air that we can inhale and exhale with each breath.
    Vital capacity
  17. Breathing control centers are located in the brain in the ____and _____ ______region
    • pons
    • medulla oblongata
  18. Exercise increases ______ _____ waste which lowers the _____of blood. The medulla senses the drop in ____ and increases the breathing rate to eliminate the excess _____ _____ through exhaling
    carbon dioxide



    carbon dioxide
  19. Q: How does oxygen get from our lungs to all the other tissues in our bodies, and how does carbon dioxide travel from the tissues to the alveoli?
    A: The heart pumps blood to 2 regions…

    1) One side of the heart pumps oxygenpoor blood to the lungs (blue).

    2) The other side of the heart pumps oxygen-rich blood to the tissue cells throughout the body
  20. _______is an iron-containing pigment that turns red when bound with oxygen
  21. Each hemoglobin molecule can carry ___ oxygen molecules
  22. Each hemoglobin molecule consists of 4 _____ ____ (2 sets of 2 different types), 4 ____ ____ , and 4 _____ atoms
    polypeptide chains

    heme groups (1 per polypeptide chain)

    iron (each in thecenter of a heme group)
  23. Each iron atom can carry ___ oxygen molecule(s)
Card Set
Bio chapter 22
Bio chapter 22 Respiratory System