
  1. Ofactory
    • Smell
    • doesnt go through hypothalmus
  2. optic nerve
  3. oculomotor nerve
    • somatic motor function- superior rectus, inferior rectus, median rectus, inferior oblique
    • Parasymathetic motor function- sphincter muscle pupillae muscle of iris, ciliary muscle to make lense of eye mor spherical(as needed for near vision)
  4. trochlear nerve
    somatic motor-superior oblique( to move eye inferiorly and laterally)
  5. trigeminal nerve
    sensory motor-touch, tempeture, pain for V1 cornea, nose forehead, anterior scalp, V2 nasal mucosa, palate, gums, cheek,V3 anterior2/3 of tongue, skin of chin, lower teeth, lower jaw, some of ear
  6. abducens nerve
    Somatic motor-Lateral rectus
  7. Facial nerve
    • sensory function- anterior 1/3 of tongue
    • somatic motor function-temporal,zygomatic, buccal, mandibular,cervical(facial expression)
    • parasympathetic motor-lacrimal gland of eye, submandibular and sublingual saliva glands
  8. vestibulocohlear nerve
    Somatic motor-lateral rectus
  9. glossopharyngeal nerve
    • Sensory-taste posterior 1/3 of tongue
    • somatic motor-pharynx
    • parasympathetic motor-secretion of parotid salivary gland
  10. Vagus nerve
    • sensory-pharynx,larynx,heart,lungs,most abdominal organs, ear
    • somatic motor-pharynx, larynx
    • parasymathetic-viseral smooth muscle, cardiac, glands of heart, lungs, pharyna, larnyx, trachea, and most abdominal organs
  11. accessory nerve
    somatic motor-pharynx, trapezius, streneoclideomastiod
  12. hypoglossal nerve
    somatic motor-intrinsic and extrinsic tongue
  13. spinal nerves
    • 8 cervical(one more then the amount of vertabrae)
    • 12 thoracic
    • 5 sacral
    • 1 coccygeal
  14. Conus medullaris
    (inferior to lumbar enlargements) spinal cord becomes tapered and conical
  15. Filum terminale
  16. 1.Slender fibrous tissue, extends from the inferior tip of the conus medullaris
    • 2. Extends to 2nd sacral vertebrae
    • 3. Provides longitudinal support to the spinal cord
  17. Cauda equina
    groups of axons
  18. Spinal meninges
    • dura mater
    • subdural space
    • arachniod
    • subarachnoid
    • pia mater
  19. epidural space
    • between verbral wall and dura mater
    • site of Epidural block
  20. subarachnoid space
    • intervention space filled with cerebrospinal fluid
    • a. CSF: shock absorber, diffusion medium for dissolved gases, nutrients, chemical messengers, and waste products
    • b. Spinal Tap: insertion of needle into the subarachnoid space in the inferior lumbar region
  21. Anterior gray horns
    contain somatic motor nuclei
  22. Lateral gray horns
    located only in the thoracic and lumbar segments (T1-L2), contain visceral motor nuclei
  23. Posterior grey horns
    contain somatic and visceral nuclei
  24. Gray commisures
    posterior to and anterior to the central canal, contain axons that cross from one side of the cord to the other before they reach a destination in the grey matter
  25. Somatic motor nuclei
    anterior horns innervate skeletal muscle
  26. Autonomic motor nuclei
    lateral horns innervate smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands
  27. Cervical plexus
    • 1. C1-C4
    • 2. Innervate muscles of neck, extend into thoracic cavity controlling diaphragm
    • 3. Phrenic nerve- provides the entire nerve supply to the diaphragm
  28. Brachial plexus
  29. Superior trunk(C5-C6)
    • lateral cord(c5-c7)
    • Musculocutaneous nerve(corcobracialis,biceps) and median nerve(anterior forearm muscle)
  30. Middlle trunk(c7)
    • posterior cord(c5-t1)
    • axillary nerve(axilary,deltiod,teres minor),radial nerve(forearm extensors,wrist extensors)
  31. inferior trunk(c8-t1)
    • median cord(c8-t1)
    • ulnar nerve(inferior forarm) median nerve(anterior forearm muscle)
  32. the five nerves that break off from the brachial plexas are
    • musculocutaneous nerve
    • median nerve
    • axillary nerve
    • radial nerve
    • ulnar nerve
  33. anterior root
    motor axons
  34. posterior root
    sensory axons
  35. spinal nerve
    contains both anterior and posterior roots
  36. posterior rami
    innervates deep muscles of the back
  37. anterior rami
    is larger,splits into multiple branches,innervates anterior lateral portions of trunk, the upper limbs, and lower limbs, go on to plexus
  38. sciatic nerve branches
    • from sacral plexus
    • common fibular nerve
    • tibial nerve
  39. Monosynaptic reflex
    • sensory neuron synapses directly on a motor neuron
    • Length of delay is proportional to number of synapses involved
    • hammer reflex on knee
  40. Polysynaptic reflex
    • longer delay between stimulus and response
    • step on a nail you jump and balance youself with other foot more complex
  41. anterior pituitary gland
    • adrenocorticotropic(ACTH)adrenal cortex
    • follicle-stimulating(FSH)testes ovarys
    • Growth(GH)all body tissue, bone,muscle,adipose
    • luteinizing(LH)testes, ovarys
    • Melanocyte-stimulating(MSH)melanocytes in skin
    • Prolactin(PRL) mammilary gland
    • Thyriod-stimulating(TSH)thyriod
  42. posterior pituitary
    • antidiuretic(ADH)kidneys
    • Oxytocin(OT) females,uterus,mammary glands Males smooth muscle of reproductive tract
  43. regulatory hormones
    • releasing hormones
    • inhibiting hormones
  44. adreanal gland
    • Cortex-corticosteroids,mineralocorticoids,glucocorticoids,gonadocorticoids
    • medulla-epinephrine(E),norepinphrine(NE)both stimulate fight or flight response
  45. ovaries
    • estrogen
    • progesterone
    • inhibin
  46. testes
    • androgens
    • testosterone
    • inhibin
  47. Pancreatic hormones
    • glucagon
    • insulin
    • somatostatin
    • pancreatic polypeptide
  48. components of blood
    • plasma 55%
    • buffy coat 1%(leukocytes,platelets)
    • erythrocytes 44%
  49. parts of plasma
    • albumins-regulate water movement, transport proteins
    • globulins-bind,build and support
    • fibrinogen-blood clot formation
  50. Blood vessel tunics inner to outer
    • Tunic intima
    • Tunic media
    • Tunic externa
  51. arteries largest to smallest
    • Elastic
    • muscular
    • arteriole
  52. viens largest to smallest
    • large
    • medium-size
    • venule
  53. regulation of calcium by what two organs?
    • parathyriod-parathyroid hormone
    • Thyriod-calcitonin response to elevated calcium levels
Card Set
nerves,endocrine,heart,blood,spinal cord