the progressive physical and psycological changes an organish undergoes from conception until death.
scientific study of (gene-brain) behavior- environment interactions.
scientific method
strategy for understanding nature/world.
- :involves gathering information making:
- -observations, collecting data, beliefs are not facts but opionionated.
goal: accurately/objectively describe and explain the progressive physical and psychological changes.
gene (unit heritance)
composed of a sequence of chemical compounds (nucleotides) that specify the structure and production of a protein.
brain (organ of thought)
composed of neurons, specialized ells that thrnsmit and receive implusus.
brain processes interpet/correlate stimulation received from the sense organs, initiate motor impluses, and supervise and coordnate the activity of the entire nervous system
ex. breathing, heartrate
everything an organism's do; anything a dead person cant do.
- ex. thinking, feeling, acting.
- (if a dead person can do it, its not behavior)
- everything that has an effect on a organism
- (antecedents and consequences, proximal and distal)
2. antireductionism
- 1. - biology influences (order of the words, grammer)
- 2. analyzing on a scale that is most applicable for the area of study
direct line of desent within a group, one of the usually primary divisions of the animal kingdom.
ex. natural selection
onto- organism
- learning during an organisms lifetime.
- change in behavior due to learning
ex. cat pushing a dog