Cardio Rehab (1 of 2)

  1. In the resting state, each cardiac muscle fiber is polarized with a net...
    A. Negative outside/Positive inside
    B. Positive outside/Negative inside

    B. Positive outside/Negative inside
  2. What is an Electrocardiograph?
    An instrument which measures the difference between voltage levels at any specific point across the heart
  3. Placement of all 9 electrodes for an EKG...
  4. Name the leads of a 12 lead EKG...
    I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6
  5. What is the Hexaxial Reference System?
    How is it determined?
    • *Look in notes (p37)
  6. PQRST segments...
  7. Conventions: (Normal, Left axis deviation, Right axis deviation, and degrees of axis deviation)
    • 0 to +90 = Normal
    • 0 to -90 = Left axis deviation
    • +90 to +180 = Right axis deviation
    • -90 to -180 = Degrees of axis deviation
  8. Standard speed and amplification of an EKG?
    • Speed= 25 mm/sec
    • Amplification= 1mV/cm
  9. The P wave represents...
    Atria excitation, originates in SA node
  10. The T wave represents...
    The deflection following the QRS complex
  11. The Q wave represents...
    • "Crossing of excitation" over the inter-ventricular septum.
    • Enlarged Q could indicate an old MI
  12. The R wave represents...
    Depolarization of the ventricles
  13. The S wave represents...
    • Late phase depolarization of the ventricles.
    • Has little/no interpretive significance.
  14. Excitation of Heart Muscle...
  15. Which is the pace maker for the heart:
    SA node or AV node?
    SA (sino atrial) node
  16. Einthoven's Law...
    A complex (EKG) in lead 2 equals the sum of the corresponding complexes in leads 1 and 3 (2=1+3)
  17. Unipolar "Augmented limb leads"...
    • aVR = Right Arm
    • aVL = Left Arm
    • aVF = Left Leg (foot)
  18. Placement V1...
    Just to the right of the sternum in 4th interspace
  19. Placement V2...
    Just to the left of the sternum in the 4th interspace
  20. Placement of V4...
    Placed in the mid clavicular line (MLL) in 5th interspace
  21. Placement V3...
    Halfway between leads 2 and 4
  22. Placement V5...
    Placed at the same level of V4 in the anterior axillary line (AAL)
  23. Placement V6...
    Placed at the same level of V4 in the middle axillary line (MAL)
  24. Placement V7...
    Placed at the same level as V4 in posterior axillary line (PAL)
  25. Bipolar leads are...
    • Lead I = RA vs LA
    • Lead II = RA vs LL
    • Lead III = LA vs LL
  26. What id ischemia?
    Reduced blood flow relative to needs and results in too little oxygen (02)
  27. Best look at the Heart are seen with which 3 leads?
    Lead II, aVF, V5
  28. Arrhythmia's are...
    Premature ventricular beats or ectopic beats
  29. QRS complex is viewed as...
    • Q= first down strike after P wave before R wave
    • R= first upward deflection
    • S= last downstroke
  30. The P-R interval...
    Nodal delay of AV junction
  31. The S-T segment...
    The delay between completion of depolarization and the beginning of re-polarization of ventricles
  32. The Exercise EKG is mainly used for...
    Indicating coronary insufficiency
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Cardio Rehab (1 of 2)
Dr. Haslem's Class @ BSC