Characteristics of the Archaic period (Texas)?
Early- 4
Late- 5
- Early- wet; many bison, plants, people
- Middle- drought; pop drop
- Late- wetter; floodplain expliotation; local raw materials; more conflict; first cemeteries
hand and eye; bilibed arrow; solar cross; conch shell georgettes; copper plates/axes; effigy pipes; weeping eye; severed heads; swashtica; flat-topped earth mounds;
- Southeastern Ceremonial Complex/
- Southern Death Cult
assortment of ceremonial objects that occurs in the graves of high-status Missippian individuals. Ritual exchance of these artifacts crosscut the boundaries of many distinctive local cultures.
"Southern Death Cult"
- eastern U.S.
- 1200-500BP
- maize agriculture
sacrifice of human servent
at a...
How is archeological space divided? 2
- into culture areas
- subdivided into traditions or archeological cultures
geographic regions that share similarities in material remains
culture areas
how is archeological space divided?
- into periods/horizons
- (Paleoindian
- Early Archaic
- Middle Archaic
- Late Archaic
- Late Prehistoric I, II)
How is archeological space-time divided?
into phases (but "who cares")
block of time; assemblages (all items of one kind from one stratum or location)are clustered into components (assemblages belonging to a single culture and time) synthasized across multiple sites to create...
phases (but who cares?)
a collection of artifacts of one or several classes of materials (stone, tools, ceramics, bones) that come from a defined context such as a site, feature, or stratum
An archeological construct consisting of a stratum or set of strata that are presumed to be culturally homogenous. A set of these from various sites in a region will make up a phase
collection of artifacts recovered from a site {seperate catagories; flakes, bone ect}
culturally homogenous unit recovered from a single site
what kind of sites usually have mixed components?
terraced sites
similar form across space, time, culture
formal analogy
cases are related by similar settelment systems, economies, environment, or they are of the same cultural descent; entails formal analogy
relational analogy
entail necesscary links between attributes or features and their interpretations 2
- analogies
- mid-level thoery
A hopi word that loosely translates as "place of emergence." The original sipapu is the place where the Hopi are said to have emerged into this world from the underground. Also small pits in kivas through which communication with the supernatural world takes place.
Modern Hopi related to
How is taphonomy used archeologically? 2
- mid-range research diciplines
- (linking arguments)
to infer human behavior from material remains
to link material remains to either natural processes or human behavior
to eliminate natural processes to illuminate human behavior
use of taphonomy in archeology
In faunal analysis, the classification of a skeletal element to a taxonomic category-species, genus, family, or order
In faunal analysis, a specific skeletal part of the body-for example, humerus of sternum; anitomicalpart of the body
The raw number of identified bones (specimens) per species.
NISP (number of identified specimens)
Smallest number of particular bones; (parts) such as ribs vs. legs
MNE (minimum number of elements)
The smallest number of individuals necesscary to account for all identified bones.
MNI (minimum number of individuals)
MNI, Bison and Antelope, 4 male, 4 female, 3 sub-adults, 5 antelope, tooth eruption, longbones, ephiohisealeal fusion, marrow from toes, carried meaty legs back to camp
Buchery-Bone Grease
Seasonality-End of Winter, Early Spring
Agate Basin site
Camelidae (lamas), upland-no long bones; lowland village- lond bones
Trade Patterns- Ch'arki
Chavin de Huantar
Quids, cordage, coporlites (containing fish, birds, insects, snails, pinion, and estradol, progesterone)
Hidden Cave
expectorated peices of chewed plants
tiny silica particles contained in plants
plant stone
dessicated feces, often containing marcobotanical remains, pollon, and the remains of small animals
the eariliest well established Native American culture, distributed through much of North America
How do we recognise plants in Archeological sites?
- microbotanical remains
- macrobotanical remains
- corprolites
- make-up of bone
- pollon
the technique through which the fossil pollon grains and spores from archeological sites are studied
used to reconstruct the environment, show climate change, and diet
os coxae sexual markers 4
- greater sciatic notch
- subpubic angle
- overall shape (V-male H-female)
- sacrum (curved in and under-male; straighter-female)
age from bone?
- pubic symphysis-sympheseal face
- ephiphesial fusion (long bones)
- dental eruption
- tooth loss/wear
- degredation
a symptom of iron defencicy anemia in which the skull takes on a porous appearance
"spongy bone"
porotic hyperstosis
A symptom of iron defencicy anemia in which the bone of the upper eye sockets takes on a spongy appearance.
formative years
cribra orbitalia
Horizontal lines near the ends of long bones indicating episodes of physiological stress
Growth arrest lines
Harris Lines
Horizontal linear defects in tooth enamel indicating episodes of physiological stress.
Growth arrest lines
enamel hypoplasias
How do we determine seasonality?
- faunal tooth eruption/birthing patterns
- faunal migration patterns
- faunal "seasonal rounds"-antlers, bone content, etc
- pollon analysis
- corprolite content