enables archeologists to characterize and date strata within sites using distinctive artifact forms that research shows to be disgnostic of a particular period of time.
index fossil concept
the godfather pf radiometric dating 3
William Libby
radiocarbon dating
2 major forms of radiometric dating/
materials (not radiocarbon dating)
Potassium-Argon dating
Argon-Argon dating
igneous rock; volcanic ash
best material for carbon 14 dating?
when organisms take in carbon from source that is depleated of or enriched in C-14 relative to the atmosphere; carbon dating of such samples may return ages that are conciderably older or younger than they actually are.
resovior effect
snails eat old carbon from limestone and loo older on radiocarbon test; ocean is a source of; ancillary dating problems on skeletons of seafood eating creatures due to the...