2nd Quarter Vocabulary Words

  1. Extant
    still existing; not exterminated, destroyed or lost
  2. Voluminous
    1. of great size; numerous; 2. writing or speaking at great length
  3. Reprehensible
    deserving blame or punishment
  4. Vociferous
    loud and noisy
  5. Buffet
    1. (v.) to slap or cuff; 2. (v.) a drive or force which blows; 3. (n.) a slap, blow
  6. Obviate
    to anticipate and prevent; to remove, dispose of
  7. Squalid
    filthy, wretched, debased
  8. Turbulent
    disorderly, riotous, violent; stormy
  9. Somber
    dark, gloomy; depressed or melancholy in spirit
  10. Implicate
    to involve in; to connect with or be realted to
  11. Renegade
    one who leaves a group; deserter, outlaw
  12. Corrosive
    1. eating away gradually, acid like; 2. bitterly sarcastic
  13. Martinet
    a strict disciplinarion; a stickler for the rules
  14. Discern
    to see clearly, recognize
  15. Inter
    to bury
Card Set
2nd Quarter Vocabulary Words
Vocabulary Words