4 steps of B cell maturation in bone marrow
- 1. Progenitor B cell, expression of CD19
- 2. Precursor B cell, Ig heavy chain has rearranged and is expressed on surface with surrogate light chain
- 3. Immature B cell, heavy and light chains rearranged, expression of mIgM, negative selection
- 4. Mature B cell, expression of mIgM and mIgD, exported from bone marrow to peripheral lymphoid
T cell independant B cell activation (TI)
- -nonprotein antigens crosslink BCR's or BCR to CR2
- - limited class switiching
- - limited memory cell generation
Tcell dependent Bcell activation (TD)
- - proteins or protein bound something
- - TCR binds to MHC on Bcell
- - CD40 on Bcell binds CD40L on Tcell
- - extensive class switching, affinity maturation and memory cell generation