The Cabinet

  1. Vice President of the United States
    Joseph R. Biden
  2. Department of State
    Secretary Hilary Rodham Clinton
  3. Department of the Treasury
    Secretary Timothy F. Geithner
  4. Department of Defense
    Secretary Robert M. Gates
  5. Department of Justice
    Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr.
  6. Department of the Inferior
    Secretary Kenneth L. Salazar
  7. Department of Agriculture
    Secretary Thomas J. Vilsack
  8. Department of Commerce
    Secretary Gary F. Locke
  9. Department of Labor
    Secretary Hilda L. Solis
  10. Department of Health and Human Services
    Secretary Kathleen Sebelius
  11. Department of Housing and Urban Development
    Secretary Shaun L.S. Donovan
  12. Department of Transportation
    Secretary Ray LaHood
  13. Department of Energy
    Secretary Steven Chu
  14. Department of Education
    Secretary Arne Duncan
  15. Department of Veternas Affairs
    Secretary Eric K. Shinseki
  16. Department of Homeland Security
    Secretary Janet A. Napolitano
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The Cabinet
White House: The Cabinet