What are the five basic components of physical fitness?
- Cardio-respiratory endurance
- muscular endurance
- muscle strength
- flexibility
- body fat composition
- others (balance/coordination, posture, agility)
What are the pretest procedures for a fitness test?
- medical history
- informed consent
- patients instructions
- calibrate the equipment
- paperwork ready
- room temp 70-72 degrees
- ready for emergency
What are some instructions for patients prior to a test?
- avoid eating a large meal, alcohol, caffeine, or smoking 3 hours priot to a test
- drink plenty of fluid to ensure hydration
- avoid significant exertion the day of
- wear comfortable clothes
- adequate rest
What are some tests that measure cardio-respiratory endurance
- step test
- treadmill test
- 6 min. walk test
- 1 mile run/walk
- bike ergometer
- 2 minute marching test (seniors)
- arm ergometer
What are some muscle endurance tests?
What are some muscle strength tests?
- 1 RM bench press
- 1 RM leg press
- grip strength
- timed arm curls (seniors)
- quadriceps 60 sec (wall sits)
- superman
- functional tests (sit to stand for seniors)
What are some flexibility tests?
- hypermobility
- scratch test
- 90/90 and chair reach (seniors)
- hip flexors
- IT band
- gastroc/soleus
- passive trunk extension
- sit and reach test
What some body composition tests?
- height and weight
- circumference
- skin fold technique
- hydrostatic weighing
- impedence
What are signs and symptoms of CV, pulmonary, metabolic disease?
- pain, discomfort in arm, jaw, and chest
- SOA with minimum exertion or rest
- dizziness, syncope
- orthopnea
- ankle edema
- palpitations, tachycardia
- intermittent claudication
- known heart murmur
- unusual fatigue with usual activities
What are good tests for 60+?
- health risk questionnaire, resting HR and BP
- faculty clearance
- BMI, waist circumference
- back scratch
- 6 min walk test
- chair sit and reach
- timed arm curl
- timed chair sit to stand
- 8' get up and go
What are good tests for less than 60yo?
- health risk questionnaire, resting HR and BP
- BMI, waist circumference
- skin folds/body fat analyzer
- grip strength
- 3 min step test
- 90/90 flexibility
- partial sit ups