Tumor Nomenclature
Benign => -oma
Malignant => -sarcoma, -carcinoma, -blastoma
Tumor progression overview
Initiation -> promotion -> progression
Initiating agents
- (CURRV = curve)
- Chemical carcinogens
- Unknown factors
- Radiation (UV Light)
- Replication errors
- Viruses
Promoting agents
- (Shin)
- Specific promotors
- Hormones
- Inflammation
- Normal growth promoters, etc.
Growth inhibitors
- Hormones - therapeutic or physiological
- Age, surgery, radiation, etc
- Normal growth inhibitors
- –Initial permanent change, usually
- in DNA
- –Initiated cells are latent
- -not yet a tumor
- –Preferential growth stimulation
- of initiated cell into clone of cells (clonal expansion)
- –Can be reversed (i.e. loss of growth factors, stimulating agents, etc)
- –Tumors are heterogeneous
- –Selection pressure generates
- cells with increased malignant potential
What is Cancer?
Abnormal tissue mass whose growth exceeds and is uncoordinated with that of normal adjacent tissue (i.e. malignant tumors)
- •Cancer is a group of diseases
- characterized by
- –disordered growth control
- –acquisition of invasion and metastatic potential
of Definition of cancer
- •Absent or minimal regulation of cell growth
- –distinguishes cancer from other modulations of growth (i.e. may have high proliferation but regulated)
- –difficult to establish cause and effect in carcinogenesis
- –treatment cannot target the instigating agent but instead must target the mass of cells
Genetic basis of cancer
Cancer arises from the accumulation of genetic changes, not just a singular mutation
- loss of differentiated features
- Higher degree of anaplasia = Worse prognosis
Criteria in determining benign vs. malignant tumors
- (dig 'm)
- Differentiation state
- local Invasion
- rate of Growth
- Metastasis
General features of benign tumors
- •Slow growing
- •Well differentiated (looks more like parenchymal cells)
- •Localized
- •Innocuous
- •Capsulated (surrounded by fibrous membrane)
General features of malignant tumors
- •Rapid growth (increased metabolic activity)
- •Wide range of differentiation
- •Invades and metastasizes
- •Distinct cellular phenotype
of Cancer Cells
- (SIT, LSE i.e. sit, Elsie)
- •Self sufficiency in growth
- signals
- •Insensitivity to growth
- inhibitory signals
- •Tissue invasion and metastasis
- •Limitless replicative potential
- -Sustained angiogenesis
•Evasion of apoptosis
How does cancer kill?
- •Organ Failure
- –Tremendous reserve capacity
- –Occurs only once tumor is far advanced
- •Obstruction
- –GI tract, hollow organs
- •Others like cachexia and
- infection
- –Wasting syndrome
- –Impair immune defenses leading to pneumonia, septicemia, etc
- -main cause of death
Goals of epidemiology of cancer
- –Identification of risk factors
- –Development of prevention strategies
- –Assessment of public health policies
- (i.e. asbestos, sg warning of cigarettes)
Cancer stats in the US: Most common and most deadly
- Number of cases:
- Men: Prostate, Lung
- Women: Breast, Lung
- Deaths:
- Men: Lung, Prostate
- Women: Lung, Breast
Cancer causes
Differs with cancers, but 65% from environmental factors (tobacco, diet), 35% from genetic factors
Types of Epidemiological Studies
- •Descriptive studies:
- –data on incidence, mortality, risk
- •Correlation studies:
- –comparisons of populations with different exposures
- •Special exposure groups:
- –study of groups with unique exposures
- •Migrant studies:
- –cancer incidence in populations migrating between areas with different cancer rates
Genetic basis of cancer
- DNA damage
- Acquired environmental factors = chemicals, radiation, viruses
•any substance or agent which enhances tumor incidence
Types of Carcinogenesis
- –Chemical
- –Radiation
- –Endogenous
- –Viral
Carcinogens: overall mode of action
- Procarcinogens in environment, become electrophiles, bind to DNA covalently
Most carcinogens are metabolized...
- Metabolism can activate or detoxify carcinogens. Electrophile can react w/ hydroxyl group or nigrogen group of DNA and form adducts
Summary: Chemical Carcinogenesis
- •Most chemical carcinogens induce DNA damage
- •Chemical carcinogens usually require metabolism to be active (b/c reactive species. if they react w/ things in environment, no longer a carcinogen)
- •Adduct formation requires electrophilic groups on the carcinogen and nucleophilic groups on the DNA
- •Human exposure to carcinogens is ubiquitous (Can minimize but not totally get rid of)
Radiation and Human Cancer
Cellular Effects of Ionizing Radiation
- Know direct and indirect effects lead to DNA damage.
- Outcomes are: DNA repair, cell death, carcinogenesis
Endogenously generated DNA damage
- •Cellular generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) - highly reactive, induce DNA
- damage
- •Contribute to natural (baseline) mutation rate
- •Major source: by products of oxidative metabolism (electron transport)
Summary-Mutations caused by DNA damage
Consequences of DNA damage
- •Repair and return to normality
- •Extensive damage leading to cell death
- •Misreading of modified bases at next round of proliferation
Altered DNA sequence must be inherited by somatic daughter cells to be of functional significance
Genotoxic Carcinogens alter DNA
- •Single base changes, insertions, deletions
- •Can either have no effect, or
- –Change the KIND of protein produced (i.e.) gain/loss of function
- –Change the AMOUNT of protein produced
- •Targets are oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes
Oncogene - Definition
- •Altered form of normal cellular gene
- •Cellular gene is the proto-oncogene (normal gene)
- •Oncogenes encode regulatory proteins with dominant transforming properties - gain of function! (e.x. constitutively active kinases)
- --single copy is sufficient for transformation
- --presence of normal counterpart cannot block action of oncogene
- code for:
- •similar or identical mutated proteins
- •function in growth regulatory pathways
- •mutated forms generally hyperfunctional
- •drive growth factor independent proliferation; suppress apoptosis; induce invasive /metastatic potential
Classes of Oncogenes
- •Growth factors and their receptors
- --ex: EGF receptor mutions in squamous cells -> become ligand independent
- •Non receptor tyrosine kinases
- --c-ABL, v-Ras
- •GTP binding proteins
- --c-Ras (GDP -> GTP (active))
- •Cytoplasmic serine/threonine kinases
- --MAP Kinases
- •Nuclear signaling
- --estrogen receptors
- •Transcription factors
- --c-Myc, c-fos
Know what tumor suppressor genes are and how
they are different from oncogenes
- •Code for proteins that inhibit trans-formation by variety of mechanisms
- •Transformation involves loss of function of tumor suppressor genes (TSGs)
- •Both alleles must be inactivated for an impact on cancer development
- •Some DNA tumor viruses code for proteins that inactivate TSGs
Tumor suppresor genes inhibit proliferation, promote apoptosis. Both copies of tumor suppressor gene have to be lost, vs. oncogenes.
Oncogenes = specific mutation to make it active
tumor suppressor = any mutation that makes it not functional
describe p53 and how it functions as a tumor suppressor
- p53 is a transcription factor, promotes apoptosis and inhibit cell proliferation, genes turned on during DNA damage, leading to apoptosis
know why multiple cellular mutations are required before a cell can become cancerous and the colon cancer example given in class
- homozygous loss of APC [tumor suppresor gene, binds to beta catenin, prevents transcription, 50% of colon cancers have this mutation] -> mutation of Ras -> formation of adenoma -> Homozygous loss of DCC [70% of colon cancers]-> Homozygous loss of p53
Know what angiogenesis is and why it is important for tumor development and metastasis
- Angiogenesis = sprouting of new vessels from
- existing vessels
- •Growth of blood vessels into tumor (neovascularization)
- •Essential for tumor growth > 2mm
- •Supply of oxygen, nutrients, growth factors
- •Initiated by proliferative signals
- -Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
- -Angiopoeitins
- -Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF)
Inhibitors of angiogenesis
- •Angiostatin
- –Most potent anti-angiogenic factor known
- –Specific inhibitor of endothelial cell proliferation
- –Cleavage fragment of plasminogen
- •Endostatin
- -Cleavage fragment of collagen XIII
- •Thrombospondin-1
Be able to describe how you could block angiogenesis
- •Block angiogenic factors
- -VEGF antibodies
- -inhibitors of receptor kinases
- •Induce or apply anti-angiogenic factors
- -Endostatin
- •Interfere with matrix proteases
- -MMP9
why blocking angiogenesis may be a useful anti-cancer treatment
- •Tumors are dormant without angiogenesis
- •Tumor progression requires switching on angiogenesis
- –Imbalance between inhibitors and activators
- –Oncogenes, TSGs contribute to angiogenic switch
- •Control of angiogenesis = control of cancer?
Know how angiogenesis promotes metastasis
- • allows for tumor growth
- • provides an exit portal for metastatic tumor cell
Know the definition of metastasis and the general concepts associated with it
- Metastasis = Escape of cancer cells from a
- primary tumor and re-establishment of growth at distant, secondary sites
- •Late event in cancer process, but underlying genetic changes required for metastasis may occur early
- •50% of patients present with metastases
- •Size of primary? -Often but not always predictive
- •Efficiency of metastasis? - Not very - 1/10,000 cells. However, most human cancers successfully metastasize
Metastasis - routes of transport
- •Shedding into body cavities
- –Peritoneum
- –Pleural cavity
- •Blood vessels
- –Capillaries
- –Hepatic portal vein
- •Lymphatics
- –Drain into lymph nodes
- –Empty into venous system
Know what the seed and soil hypothesis is
- •Homing mechanisms attract cancer
- cells to specific sites
- •Successful metastasis requires
- –viable seed (cancer cells)
- –appropriate soil (host organ)
- •growth factors, ECM, etc.
- Cells need to be able to proliferate at the new site
Metastatic cascade
- •Series of sequential, interrelated steps
- •Failure in any one step prevents metastasis
- •Outcome depends on interactions between tumor cell and host factors
Metastatic Tumors Requirements
- •Motility
- •Reduced cohesiveness
- •Proteolytic activity
- •Suppression of apoptosis
Metastatic tumors: motility
Cancer cells in circulation:
- •Single cells or emboli - clusters with platelets, lymphocytes
- •Hostile environment - blood pressure, turbulence, immune attack
- •99% cell death rate
Metastatic tumors: reduced cohesiveness
- –E-Cadherin downregulated
- •Ca++ dependent cell adhesion molecule
- •frequently lost in metastatic cells
Metastatic tumors: proteolytic activity
- –Collagenase
- •Degrades ECM
- Extravasation = Exit of tumor cells at secondary site
Proliferation at Secondary Site
- •Cells may remain dormant
- •Specific growth factors, ECM required for proliferation
- •Cells with low growth factor requirements generally more metastatic
- •Metastases can also metastasize