PSY/250 Final Exam

  1. According to Sigmund Freud, the part of the psyche that stops a person from stealing is the

    C. superego
  2. Thinking that someone is angry at you when in reality you are angry at yourself is called

    C. projection
  3. Marty frequently becomes angry at his wife. The real object of his anger is hos mother. This defer mechanism is called

    A. displacement
  4. A three-year-old child who has been toilet trained starts wetting the bed after the birth of a sibling. This child is using the defense mechanism of

    C. regression
  5. Mrs. Smith exhibits strong feelings of love towards her child, although unconsciously she is very angry at the child. She is displaying the defense mechanism of

    C. reaction formation
  6. Carl Jung's term for the part of the psyche similar to Freud's "unconscious" is

    C. personal unconscious
  7. Rewards and punishments are associated with

    B. behavorial psychology
  8. Abraham Maslow deliberately tried to establish an alternative to psychoanalysis and behavorism called

    D. humanistic psychology
  9. Which of the following does not describe the self-actualizing individual?

    D. self-centered
  10. _____ can be described as people who are thoughtful, passive, and quiet.

    A. introverts
  11. According to Sigmund Freud, human personality includes all of the following except

    C. collective uncoscious
  12. Freud was the first modern psychologist to suggest that

    B. every personality has a large unconscious component
  13. The methods by which th eego unconsciously protects itself against unplesant circumstances are called

    B. defense mechanisms
  14. According to Carl Rogers, every person has which two parts?

    D. the person and self
  15. B.F. Skinner's approach to personality is based on

    D. behaviorism
  16. Who of the following defined a self-actualized person?

    D. Abraham Maslow
  17. Carl Jung calls themes that reappear in myths and folklore

    A. archetypes
  18. Which of the following is NOT part of Raymond Cattell's personality theory?

    D. personal construct
  19. Which of the following is a term used by Carl Rogers?

    D. all of the above
  20. Which of the following is NOT associated with Hans Eysenck?

    A. conditions of worth
  21. Pushing painful thoughts and memories into the unconscious and "forgetting" them is termed ____________.
  22. Behaviors that charactize individuals are called ___________.
  23. The personal construct theory was developed by ______________.
    George Kelly
  24. Albert Bandura refers to our views of ability to succeed as ______________.
  25. The part of the personality that is in touch with reality is called the _______.
  26. Skinner called the occurance of a reward or punishment following a particular behavior ____________ of reinforcement.
  27. Humanistic psychology is founded on the belief that people strive for __________.
  28. George Kelly referred to our mental representations of people, events, and concepts as _____________.
    personal constructs
  29. Albert Bandura contended that personality is acquired, in part, by ________ learning
  30. Psychologists who adhere to __________ theory hold that the proper subject matter psychology is observable behavior.
  31. Sigmund Freud believed that __________ motivates and the feelings people experience during their childhoods have a tremendous impact on adult personality and behavior
  32. According to Freud, ___________ consist primarily of erotic and pleasure seeking urge
    life instincts
  33. To some extent, all people use _________ for their psychological well-being.
    defense mechanisms
  34. The refusal to accept the reality of something that makes you anxious is a sign of ___________
  35. Alfred Adler believed that the pattern one uses early in life to overcome inadequacies becomes or her _________
  36. The success of behaviroism for many people is limited because our ________ are very complex.
  37. According to Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory, a person's personality is shaped among three forces: cognitive-personal factors, behaviors, and __________ factors
  38. According to ___________ approaches to personality, life as a conscious experience and we choose how to spend our lives
  39. George Kelly's ____________ theory explains that our psychological processes are affected by the way we anticipate events.
    personal contruct
  40. observational learning

    A. Albert Bandura
  41. self-actualization

    D. Abraham Maslow
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PSY/250 Final Exam
PSY/250 Final Exam