Frontal Lobe
- Personality
- Behavior
- Emotions
- Intellectual function
Parietal Lobe
Primary center for sensation
Occipital Lobe
Primary visual Receptor
Temporal Lobe
Primary Auditory reception center
Wernicke's Area
Language comprehension
Broca's Area
Mediates motor speech
Cranial Nerve 1
Type and Function
Cranial Nerve 2
Type and Function
Cranial Nerve 3
Type and Function
- Oculomotor
- Both
- Motor: most extraoculomotor muscle movement, opening of eyelids
- Parasympathetic: Pupil constriction, lens shape
Cranial Nerve 4
Type and Function
- Trochlear
- Motor
- Down and inward movement of eye
Cranial Nerve 5
Type and Function
- Trigeminal
- Both
- Motor: Muscles of mastication
- Sensory: Sensation of face and scalp, cornea, mucous membranes of mouth and nose
Cranial Nerve 6
Type and Function
- Abducens
- Motor
- Lateral movement of eye
Cranial Nerve 7
Type and Function
- Facial
- Both
- Motor: Facial muscles, close eye, labial speech, close mouth
- Sensory: Taste(sweet, salty, sour, bitter) on anterior 2/3 of tongue
Cranial Nerve 8
Type and Function
- Acoustic
- Sensory
- Hearing and equilibrium
Cranial Nerve 9
Type and Function
- Glossopharyngeal
- Both
- Motor: Pharynx (phonation and swallowing)
- Sensory: Taste on posterior 1/3 of tongue, pharynx (gag reflex)
Cranial Nerve 10
Type and Function
- Vagus
- Both
- Motor: Pharynx and Larynx (talking and swallowing)
- Sensory: General sensation from carotid body, carotid sinus, pharynx, viscera
Cranial Nerve 11
Type and Function
- Spinal
- Motor
- Movement of trapezius and sternomastoid muscles
Cranial Nerve 12
Type and Function
- Hypoglossal
- Motor
- Movement of tongue
- "Thinking brain"
- Deals with thought, memory, reasoning, sensation, and voluntary movement
Basal Ganglia
Controls the automatic associated movements of the body (ex. arm swinging while walking)
Main relay station for nervous system
- Major control center that has many vital functions
- Regulates temp, HR, and BP control
- Sleep center
- Anterior/Post. pituitary gland regulator
- Coordinates ANS activity and emotional status
- "Doing brain"
- Concerned with motor coordination of voluntary movements, equilibrium, and muscle tone
- DOES NOT initiate movement but coordinates and smooths movements
- Merges into thalamus and hypothalamus
- Contains many motor neurons and tracts
Contains ascending and descending fiber tracts
- Connects brain and spinal cord
- Contains autonomic centers (Respiration, heart, GI)
- Pyramidal Decussation occurs
Pyramidal Decussation
Crossing of the motor fibers
Spinal Cord
- Contains fiber tracts that connect brain to spinal nerves
- Mediates reflexes
Spinothalamic Tract
- Sensory Pathway
- Transmits pain, temperature, and crude/light touch
Posterior (Dorsal) Columns
- Sensory Pathway
- Conduct sensations of position (proprioception), vibration, and finely located touch (stereognosis)
Corticospinal or Pyramidal Tract
- Motor Pathway
- Permits very skilled and purposeful movements
Extrapyramidal Tract
- Motor Pathway
- Permits gross automatic movements such as walking
Cerebellar System
- Motor Pathway
- Coordinates movement, maintains equilibrium, and helps maintain posture
Upper Motor Neurons
- Located completely in the CNS
- Examples are cpticospinal, corticobulbar, and extrapyramidal tracts
- Ex. of UMN diseases: CVA, cerbral palsy , and MS
Lower Motor Neurons
- Located in the PNS
- ANY MOVEMENT must be translated into action by lower motor neuron fibers
- Ecamples are cranial and spinal nerves
- Ex. of LMN diseases: Spinal cord lesions, Poliomyelitis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Peripheral Nervous systen us nade up of _____.
12 pairs of cranial nerves, 31 pairs of spinal nerves, and all their branches
Afferent messages
PNS carries ____ to the CNS from _____.
- afferent messages
- sensory receptors
PNS carries ____ from the CNS to ____.
- efferent messages
- muscles and glands
- Sensory are Afferent
- Motor are Efferent
Deep Tendon Reflex
Ex. Patellar
Superficial Reflex
- Corneal Reflex
- Abdominal Reflex
Visceral Reflex
Pupillary response to light and accomodation
Pathologic Reflex
- Abnormal
- Ex. Plantar Reflex
Spinal Nerves
- Named for the region of the spine they exit: 8 cervical, 12 Thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, 1 coccygeal
- Contain both sensory and motor fibers
Autonomic Fibers
- Innervate smooth(involuntary) muscles, cardiac muscle, and glands
- Mediate unconscious activity
Somatic Fibers
Innervate skeletal (voluntary) muscles
Partial or Incomplete paralysis
Inability to control ROM of muscles
Abnormal sensation, such as burning, numbness, or tingling
Loss of motor function due to a lesion in the neurologic or muscular system or loss of sensory innervation
Difficulty forming words
Difficulty with language comprehension or expression
How to test Cranial Nerve 1
Have pt occlude one nostril and identify the smell and repeat on the other side with a different smell
- Decrease or loss of smell
- Occurs with tobacco smoking, allergic rhinitis, and cocaine use
Neurogenic anosmia
Unilateral loss of smell with absence of nasal disease
How to test Cranial Nerve 2
- Test visual acuity and visual fields by confrontation
- Use opthalmoscope to examine ocular fundus
How to test Cranial Nerves 3, 4, and 6
- Palpable fissures equal in width
- Six cardinal positions of gaze
Nystagmus occurs with disease of what 3 things?
- Vestibular system
- Cerebellum
- Brain stem
Ptosis occurs with what 2 diseases?
- Myasthenia gravis (CN 3)
- Horner's Syndrome
Increased Intracranial Pressure does what to the pupils?
Causes sudden, unilateral, dilated and nonreactive pupil
How to test Cranial Nerve 5
- Pt close eyes and touch cotton whisp to forehead, cheeks, and chin
- Palpate TMJ as person clenches teeth (muscles should be equally strong bi-lat) and try to separate jaws by pushing down on chin while pt clenches jaw
How to test Cranial Nerve 7
- Pt should correctly identify taste
- Have pt frown, close eyes tightly (examiner tries to pry open), lift eyebrows, smile, and puff cheeks
How to test Cranial Nerve 8
Test ability to hear normal conversation, whispered voice test ("baseball"), Weber/Rinne tests
How to test Cranial Nerves 9 and 10
- Pt should correctly identify taste
- Check for uvula and soft palate to rise midline and tonsils to move medially; illicit gag reflex
How to test Cranial Nerve 11
- Have pt rotate head and shrug shoulders against resistance
- *Turn head side to side to show off your earrings ("accessories")*
How to test Cranial Nerve 12
- Ask pt to say "light, tight, dynamite" and note that lingual speech sounds are clear and distinct
- Ask pt to stick out tongue; note that tongue protrudes midline with no tremors
Tandem walking
Ask pt to walk heel-to-toe in a straight line
Rapid Alternating Movements Tests
- Opposition (thumb to fingers)
- Finger-to-finger (pt to examiner)
- Finger to nose (eyes closed)
- Heel-to-shin
How to test Superficial Pain
- Sharp and Dull ends of tongue blade
- Have pt identify whether it's sharp or dull with eyes closed
How to test Light Touch
- Apply cotton whisp to skin on arms, forearms, hands, chest, thighs, and legs at random
- Have pt say "Now" when touched
How to test Vibration
- Place tuning fork on bony surface of fingers and great toe
- Ask pt to say when vibrations start and stop
How to test Kinesthesia
- Move finger or big toe up or down and ask pt to tell you which way it moved
Posistion/Motion Sense
How to test Stereognosis
- Put familiar object in pt hand and have them identify it
Object Recognition
How to test Graphesthesia
- Draw number on pt palm and ask them to identify it
Number Recognition
How to Test for Kernig Reflex
- Pt in flat-lying supine position
- Raise leg straight or flex thigh on abdomen, then extend knee
- Resistance to straightening or pain is positive
What is Kernig Reflex indicative of?
Meningeal irritation
How to Test for Brudzinski Reflex
- Have pt slex chin to chest
- Watch hips and knees
- Resistance and pain in neck, with flexion of hip and knees is positive
What is Brudzinski Reflex indicative of?
Meningeal irritation
Causes of Paralysis
- Acute: Trauma, spinal cord injury, brain attack, poliomyelitis, polyneuritis, Bell's Palsy
- Chronic: Muscular dystrophy, diabetic neuropathy, multiple sclerosis,
- Episodic: Myasthenia gravis
Spastic or flaccid paralysis of one side (right or left) of body and extremities
Symmetric paralysis of both lower extremities
Paralysis in all four extremities
- Rapid, continuous twitching of resting muscle or part of muscle, without movement og limb, that can be seen or palpated
- Can be fine or coarse
- Rapid, sudden jerk or a short series of jerks at fairly regular intervals.
- Severe with gran mal seizures
Rest Tremor
- Coarse and slow (3 to 6 per second)
- Partly or completely disappears with voluntary movement
Intention Tremor
- Rate Varies
- Worse with voluntary movement
- Occurs with cerebellar disease and multiple sclerosis
- Sudden, rapid, jerky, purposeless movement involving limbs, trunk, or face
- Occurs at irregular intervals
- Common with Sydenham's chorea and Huntington's disease
- Slow, twisting, writhing, continuous movement, resembling a snake or worm
- Occurs with cerebral palsy
- "Athetoid" hand: some fingers are flexed and some are extended
Review Characteristics of Upper and Lower Motor Neuron Lesions
p. 706
Decorticate Rigidity
- Upper extremities: Flexion of arm, wrist, and fingers; adduction of arm (ex. tight against thorax)
- Lower extremities: Extension, internal rotation, plantar flexion
- Indicates hemispheric lesion of cerebral cortex
Flaccid Quadriplegia
- Complete loss of muscle tone and paralysis of all four extremities
- Indicates copletely nonfunctional brain stem
Decerebrate Rigidity
- Upper Extermities: Stiffly extended, adducted, internal rotation, palms pronated
- Lower extremities: Stiffly extended, plantar flexion
- Teeth clenched; hyperextended back
- Indicates lesion in brain stem at midbrain or upper pons
- Prolonged arching of the back, with head and heels bent backwards
- Indicates meningeal irritation