ARW Week 12

  1. Aud
    From the Latin verb audire, it is the root that has to do with hearing.
  2. Auditor
    A person who formally examines and verifies financial accounts.
  3. Inaudible
    Not heard or capable of being heard.
  4. Son
    The Latin root meaning "sound."
  5. Dissonant
    • (1)Clashing or discordant, especially in music.
    • (2) Incompatible or disagreeing.
  6. Resonance
    • (1) A continuing or echoing of sound.
    • (2) A richness and variety in the depth and quality of sound.
  7. Err
    From the Latin verb errare, means “to wander” or “to stray.”
  8. Aberrant
    Straying or differing from the right, normal, or natural type.
  9. Erratic
    • (1) Having no fixed course.
    • (2) Lacking in consistency.
  10. Ced/Ces
    Comes from the Latin verb cedere, meaning “to process” or “to yield.”
  11. Accede
    • (1) To give in to a request or demand.
    • (2)To give approval or consent.
  12. Antecedent
    • (1) A preceding event, state, or cause.
    • (2) One’s ancestor or parent.
  13. Sacrament [sacramentalism]
    Terms used by many Christian traditions to refer to the sacred practices of the church. Augustine spoke of these acts as “the visible form of an invisible grace” or as a “sign of a sacred thing.” Mysteriously, the sacraments are used by God to confirm divine promises to believers and are somehow the means by which the recipient enters into the truths they represent.
  14. Schleiermacher, Friedrich
    Influential Protestant theologian who attempted to make religion relevant to the German intelligentsia who were steeped in Romanticism. Schleiermacher emphasized intuition and feeling as the basis of religion (independent of doctrine) and defined religion as the feeling of absolute dependence that finds its highest expression in monotheism. According to Schleiermacher, Christianity is the highest religion, but in that this feeling may assume diverse individual and cultural religious forms, Christianity may not be the only true religion.
  15. Scholasticism
    Originally the educational tradition of the medieval schools, but more specifically the method of philosophical and theological reflection set forth most succinctly by Thomas Aquinas. In attempting to understand better the deep meanings of Christian doctrine, scholasticism aimed to synthesize classical Greek and Roman philosophy with Christian writings and Scripture using Aristotelianism and Platonism to provide a clear and defined systematic structure. After the Reformation, certain Protestant theologians continued the scholastic tradition, especially as they came to focus on the quest for right doctrine understood in the form of correct assertions or propositions.
  16. Sensus plenior
    Latin, meaning the “plenary,” or “fuller sense.” The sensus plenior is the meaning of the Bible as it has come to be interpreted through Christian history while seeking to remain true to the primary sense of what the biblical author meant to convey. The term has also been applied to the manner in which NT writers sometimes reinterpret OT texts.
  17. Sola fide
    Latin for “faith only,” the Lutheran, Reformation doctrine that the only way to be justified and receive God’s grace is through faith, that is, by accepting Christ’s merits on one’s own behalf.
  18. Sola gratia
    Latin for “grace only,” the Lutheran, Reformation doctrine that salvation is God’s free gift accomplished by Christ’s saving death and resurrection rather than by human action. Righteousness, or justification, comes by God’s free gift of grace alone through faith. Roman Catholic doctrine, in contrast, insisted that God requires free human cooperation, although it is God alone who makes such cooperation possible.
  19. Sola Scriptura
    Latin for “Scripture only,” the Lutheran, Reformation principle that Scripture – not Scripture plus church tradition – is the source of Christian revelation. As a result, Scripture is to rule as God’s word in the church, unencumbered by papal and ecclesiastical magisterium (dogma) and unrivaled by the supposed additional revelation that comes through church tradition.
  20. Subjectivism
    The theory or doctrine that limits knowledge to personal (or perhaps even private) experience. What is supremely good and right can only be ascertained by individual feeling or apprehension.
  21. Subordinationism
    A second- and third-century heresy that held that because the Son and the Spirit proceed from the Father, they are not equal to the Father and are thus not fully divine.
  22. Syncretism
    The attempt to assimilate differing or opposing doctrines and practices, especially between philosophical and religious systems, resulting in a new system altogether in which the fundamental structure and tenets of each have been changed. Syncretism of the gospel occurs when its essential character is confused with elements from the culture. In syncretism the gospel is lost as the church simply confirms what is already present in the culture.
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ARW Week 12
Art of Research Writing Vocabulary Terms for the Week of April 20, 2011In