History Timeline

  1. 1917
    Russian Revolution
  2. 1943
    Tehran Conference
  3. 1944
  4. 1945
    End of World War Two
  5. 1946
    Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech
  6. 1947
    • Truman Doctrine
    • Marshall Plan
    • Containment
  7. 1948
    Berlin Blockade and Airlift
  8. 1949
    • NATO Forms
    • USSR test the atom bomb
  9. 1955
    Warsaw Pact
  10. 1956
    Hungarian Crisis
  11. 1961
    Berlin Wall
  12. 1962
    Cuban Crisis
  13. 1968
    • Prague Spring
    • Invasion of Czechoslovakia
  14. 1972
    Salt I
  15. 1975
    Helsinki Agreement
  16. 1979
    • Salt II
    • Invasion of Afghanistan
  17. 1980
    • Regan comes to power
    • USA boycott Moscow Olympics
  18. 1984
    USSR boycott Los Angles Olympics
  19. 1985
    Gorbachev Comes to Power
  20. 1987
    INF Treaty
  21. 1989
    Malta Summit
  22. 1991
    Collapse of the Soviet Union
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History Timeline
Here is all the dates you need to know for the history exam