What was the Monroe Doctrine?
Written by Secretary of State John Quincy Adams, it stated that the Western Hemisphere was closed to European Colonization as of December 2, 1873 and in response the US wouldnt interfere with European Internal Affairs or existing European Colonies. Any attempts against these requests would be viewed as an act of agression requiring US intervention.
Why did Theodore Roosevelt become President?
William McKinley died suddenly as an assasination victim. (Teddy Roosevelt was the youngest president at the age of 42)
Who was the Greatest Imperial Power?
Great Brittain
Due to the Civil War and growing opposition to the French and Brittish, during the Gilded Age the U.S. became...
Isolationist and inward-focused
What was "Seward's Folly?"
When the U.S. purchased Alaska from Russia in 1867. Made fun of for it but Alaska is very important now (Alaskan Pipeline)
What is a "Favorable Balance of Trade"
When the value of our exports is greater than that of our imports. America maintained a Favorable Balance of Trade until the 1970s when we started importing Middle Eastern Oil
Why didn't we take over Hawaii do to sugar interests in 1890?
President Cleveland said it was not in the spirit of America's non-interventionalist tradition
What did companies do when America's economy began to surge?
Build factories overseas
In order to balance our foreign debt what did we need to do?
Export goods
Even though most of our goods went to Europe and Canada, what was the importance of non-western markets?
They were seen as important for future growth
What was the major topic in Captain Mahan's book "The Influence of Sea Power Upon American History?"
Need for a Two-Ocean Navy, argued that control of the seas was key to becoming an international power. Also called for a Canal to be built linking the Atlantic and the Pacific
In 1890, putting into affect the plan for a Two-Ocean Navy...
funding for three battleships was approved
What happened between the British and the US over Venezuela and British Guiana?
There was a border dispute and the US challenged British and promised to use force to protect its interests.
What is Social Darwinism?
The idea that if the US wants to survive it needs to expand
What was Rudyard Kiplings White Man's Burden?
The belief that the Anglo-Saxton race was superior to other races and it was our job to bring other races and civillations up to our standards.
What was the old manifest destiny?
Westward Expansion and a country that reached from sea to shining sea
What was the new Manifest Destiny?
developed by John Fiske, the idea that every nation should speak English and have the same religion and customs as the US. Expansion of ideas
What is the Turner thesis?
Frederick Jackson Turner suggested that as the American fronteir closed, interests would turn outward to foreign frontiers
What was the major cause of deaths in the Spanish-American War?
Disease and poisoned meat. only 385 deaths were from battle
How much did the Spanish-American War cost America?
What lands did we acquire from the Spanish-American War?
Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Phillipine Islands for $20 million
Who was angered by the anti-democrats aspects of imperialist efforts?
What was the Teller Amendment?
pledged that the US would guarntee self-rule to the Cubans
What was the Platt Amendment?
restricted Cuban foreign policies and gave US land for coaling and Military Bases. "Here you can govern yourself... but check with us before you do anything..."
What led to American Imperialism?
Trying to keep up with the French and English
What was Yellow Journalism?
Tabloids. More rumor than truth and came from competition in Newspaper, mainly between Hers and Pulitzer.
What was one of the best things the Spanish-American War did for us?
It helped us see our weaknesses which helped us out in World War I and especially in World War II.
Through what treaty did the US gain the Phillipine Islands in exchange for $20 million?
Treaty of Paris
Following the Spanish-American War what was the only thing we paid for?
Phillipine Islands
In an attempt to control the Filipino's, what happened?
War broke out between 1899 amd 1902 and led to US using concentration camps to control rebels
What was the Jones Act?
comitted the US to granting independence to the Phillipine Islands
When did the Filipino people finally gain their independence?
In 1945 after the Japanese surrendered
What was the Great White Fleet?
Americans Fleet of Ships that never attacked anyone but scared people by its presence
What did Teddy Roosevelt do for Panama?
He helped them break free from Columbia and authorized the building of the Panama Canal
What was the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?
Gave America the unrestricted right to determine Caribbean Affairs.
What were Spheres of Influence?
Different parts of China influenced by different Countries
What was the Open Door Policy and who created it?
claimed that the US had the right to equal trade in China and was created by Secretary of State John Hay
What was the Boxer Rebellion?
The US joined European powers in resisting the Chinese Boxer's attack on foreign embassies in Peking
What was "Dollar Diplomacy?"
the term used to describe the effort of the US to further its aims in Latin America and East Asia through use of its economic power by guaranteeing loans made to foreign countries
What did President Taft use Dollar Diplomacy to do?
Counter Japanese power in Asia
Why did we enter a rivalry with Japan?
When the Manchu Dynasty was overthrown we suported the Chinese Nationalists and therefore entered a rivalry with Japan
Wilson was against what?
Dollar Diplomacy
What government did Wilson refuse to recognize and why?
Huerta's government, because he murdered Madero (ruler that Wilson liked) so therefore we supported Carranza because he was against Huerta and he occupied Veracruz
Who was Carranza's rival and what did he do?
Paco Villa; raided across the New Mexico border and escaped General Pershing
Thanks to the Platt Amendment Cuba became our _________ until what occurred?
protectorate; Fidel Castro took over and chased us out of Cuba
Why does Russia drop out of World War I?
They had 2 revolutions and needed to focus on setting up their own government. Turning Communist
What treaty did Russia sign to get out of the War?
Breast-Litvosk Treaty signed by Vladamir Lenon which required them to give up some of their territory on the southeastern border
What was the Committee on Public Information?
propoganda effectively casting Germans as an evil force in World War I
What were the Espionage and Sedition Acts?
Loosely worded laws which gave the government wide authority to prosecute war critics.
What were some results of the Espionage and Sedition Acts?
Numerous Arrests and Convictions with long prison sentences for those seen as disloyal and the Supreme Court upheld acts using "clear and present danger" doctrine to limit free speech in time of war
What was the persecution of Radicals under the Wilson Administration?
Socialist parties and Industrial workers were main targets of the supression
Following the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, Americas hatred switched from...
Germany to Communist Russia
Why did Americans send troops to Russia in 1918?
In an attempt to undercut Bolshevik (Communist) Government
What alarmed Americans following the war?
A number of strikes, especially in the steel industry
Why was the Federal Bureau of Investigation created? and who created it?
to fight exagerated radical threat (a series of mail bombs scaring government officials and the palmer raids) created by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer
What were the Palmer Raids of January 1920?
The unwarranted raidind of anarchists and aliens by federal officers with blatant disregard to civil liberties
Why did Palmer eventually lose credibility?
His unconstitutional tactics, however the FBI became the Federal Crime-Fighting Unit
What were the 3 main categories of Wilsons 14 points?
1. Right to self-determination: Countries/Nations had the right to govern themselves and come up with their own type of government as long as the people were behing it (right to govern yourself without interferance). 2.Elimination of the causes of war: Secret Treaties, Build up of Arms, Trade Barriers, and Freedom of the Seas. 3. League of Nations: Power to control all of the Nations and keep peace in the World
Who was opposed to Wilson's Plan?
Republicans were mostly against his plan and had the majority in Congress. Therfore the plan was never passed in the US
Who was determined to punish Germany?
The Allied Powers
What was the conditions for Germany decided upon at the Treaty of Versailles?
Accept sole responsibility for the war, pay 6.6 billion dollars in war reparations despite their economic deprivation, and disarment of German forces.
What is the League of Nations?
Collective security to help stop aggression throughout the world
What wa the 14 points plan criticized for in Congress?
Article X which called for American troops to be places under the command of the League of Nation's officers
How to Wilson attempt to gain support within the country?
A nationwide speaking tour which ended when he suffered a stroke and was rushed back to the White House
Why did the Senate reject the treaty?
They were unwilling to give up tradition of nonalignent and to commit the US to collective international action
What did the war expose about the American People?
The differences amoung them and the divisions between them
What did the government do that it never had before?
intervened in the economy and influenced peoples lives massively
What is the US following the War?
The leading economic power and largest trading nation
Why was the international system that came into being unstab;e and fragmented?
it lacked American Cooperation
Why were Civil Liberties restricted?
an attempt to achieve unity
The War ended what?
Progressivism and it brought a mood of cynicism and discouragement to American intellectuals
What was the match that started World War I?
The assasination of Archduke Ferdinand on June 28, 1914 un Sarajevo, Bosnia which led to war when unsteady alliances began fighting and Russia began to mobilize as Serbia's ally
What were the 2 events that ultimately led to US involvement in the War?
The Zimmerman Telegram and the sinking of Lusitania by German U-Boats
What was positional warfare?
The new type of warfare used during World War I which consisted of trench warfare, poisonous gas, and tanks
Most Americans favored the _________ even though wilson had a strict and impartial policy of ________
Allies; Neutrality
How did Germany become the main aggressor in World War I?
By marching through Belgium which at the time was a Neutral Country
What was the situation involving the sinking of Lusitania?
A passenger ship secretly carrying weapons was blown up by German U-Boats killing 128 Americans and angering Americans
What was the Sussex Pledge?
Germany's promise to stop unrestricted U-Boat attacks in response to our promise to stop the Hunger Blockade on Germany by the British
What was the Incident involving the Zimmerman Telegram?
In the Zimmerman Telegram, Andrew Zimmerman of German promised Mexico American Territory if they attacked us which ultimately puts us into the war
What was the ultimate reason for the US joing World War I?
We wanted a say in how World Affairs played out
Who were the Allied powers?
England, France, and Russia
Essentially, who did the 14 points come from?
Immanuel Kahnt
Who were the Big Four?
- Woodrow Wilson (President of the United States)
- David Lloyd George (Prime Minister of Great Britain)
- Georges Clemenceau (Premier of France)
- Vittorio Emanuele Orlando (Russia)
What was signed on June 28, 1919?
Treaty of Versailles
What party did Adolf Hitler lead in oppositions to German restrictions by ther Treaty of Versailles?
German Workers Party
Which to Central Powers were divided and given to the Allied Powers?
Germany and the Ottoman Empire
Was the League of Naions created?
yes, but without America