Govt Ch 13

  1. What is the main component of presidential power?
    the power to persuade
  2. What are the President's four political skills?
    • 1. mobilize influence
    • 2. manage conflict
    • 3. negotiate
    • 4. fashion compromises
  3. The institution of the Presidency is made up of what 3 components?
    • 1. the role of president
    • 2. the powers at his/her disposal
    • 3. large bureaucracy at their command
  4. 3 Requirements for the President
    • natural born citizen
    • at least 35 years old
    • must have resided in the U.S. for at least 14 years
  5. Twenty-Second Amendment
    limits presidents to 2 terms of office
  6. What are the 2 roads to the White House?
    • 1. elections
    • 2. succession/impeachment
  7. Impeachment
    political equivalent of an indictment in criminal law
  8. What are the steps taken to impeach a president?
    • 1. the House votes for impeachment
    • 2. the Senate tries the President w/ Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presiding
    • 3. 2/3 vote by Senate removes the President from office
  9. What 2 presidents have been impeached?
    Andrew Johnson and Richard Nixon
  10. Watergate
    the scandal surrounding a break in at the Democratic Natl Committee HQ in 1972 and the cover up of White House involvement, leading to the impeachment of President Nixon
  11. 25th Amendment
    permits the Vice President to become acting president if the Vice President and cabinet decide the president is disabled; outlines how a recuperated president can reclaim the job
  12. Plural Executive
    Dividing responsibility for various areas of power or else as a functioning committee
  13. What does enlarging the power of the presidency expand for the president?
    • presidential responsibilities
    • political resources
  14. What views about the power of the President changed between the 50s/60s and the 1970s?
    In the 1950s and 60s strong presidents were favored, but the 1970s the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal heightened distrust in the large scope of presidential power.
  15. What two jobs does the Vice President have?
    • leader of the Senate
    • breaks ties in the Senate
  16. Cabinet
    a group of presidential advisors not mentioned in the Constitution; every President has had one; composed of 13 secretaries and an attorney general
  17. National Security Council
    committee that links the President's key foreign and military policy advisors
  18. Council of Economic Advisors
    advise the President on economic policy
  19. Office of Management and Budget
    performs both managerial and budgetary functions
  20. Hierarchical Organization
    the organization of the President's staff that puts the Chief of Staff at the top
  21. Wheel-and-Spokes
    system in which aides have equal status and are balanced against one another in the process of decision making
  22. Chief Legislator
    this Presidential title emphasizes the executive's importance in the legislative process
  23. Veto
    constitutional power of president to send a bill back to Congress w/ reasons for rejecting it
  24. Pocket Veto
    veto in Congress adjourns within 10 days of submitting a bill to the President who lets it die by signing or vetoing it
  25. Line Item Veto
    allows governors to veto particular portions of a bill
  26. What are the President's 3 most useful resources?
    • party leadership
    • public support
    • legislative skills
  27. What are the 3 parts of the President's resource of party leadership?
    • party bonds
    • slippage in support
    • leading
  28. What are 4 legislative skills of the President?
    • bargaining
    • personal appeals
    • consulting w/ Congress
    • setting priorities
  29. What does public approval give to the President?
    Leadership, not command
  30. Electoral Mandate
    the perception that the voters strongly support the President's character and policies
  31. The President has the leading role in what 2 policies?
    Domestic and foreign
  32. Executive Agreements
    agreements that do not need ratification by the Senate; generally noncontroversial
  33. What are 2 examples of an executive agreement?
    • SALT I
    • Vietnam peace agreement
  34. What are the 5 roles of the President in terms of Nat'l Security?
    • Chief Diplomat
    • Commander in Chief
    • War Powers
    • Crisis Manager
    • Working with Congress
  35. War Powers Resolution
    passed in reaction to American fighting in Vietnam/Cambodia requiring the President to consult w/ Congress prior to using military force and to withdraw forces after 60 days unless Congress declares war or grants an extension; viewed as unconstitutional
  36. Legislative Veto
    the ability of Congress to pass a resolution to override a presidential decision
  37. Crisis
    a sudden, unpredictable, and potentially dangerous event requiring the President to play the role of crisis manager
  38. "The 2 Presidencies"
    commentator reference to a president's domestic polic and national security
  39. What is the greatest source of influence a President has?
    Public support
  40. "Honeymoon" Period
    fleeting phenomena in which the public affords new occupants of the White House only a short grace period before they begin their descent in the polls
  41. "Bully Pulpit"
    implication that presidents can persuade/mobilize the public to support their policies
  42. Press Secretary
    serves as conduit of information from the White House to the press
Card Set
Govt Ch 13
Unit V: The Presidency & Elections